Juggling my aversion to violence with the satisfaction I got from watching Porsha drag Kenya during the RHoA reunion has been a real struggle.
BITCH BABIES!!!! But I would also like to point out that Cristina Yang, fictional feminist icon, coined that term in the Shondaverse.
I witnessed shade with my very own eyes just the other day. My coworker got a very visible piercing to which a supervisor reacted to by saying "Well, you don't seem the least self conscious about it!". I immediately called it out as shade. I did not approve, because my coworker is a sweetheart and the piercing looks…
For the record, my friend posted that Rhea Wahlberg story yesterday and I was like, "According to the rules of Shade Court, that is not shade. Kara is definitely going to say it's not shade, I know it." And I was really excited to see if I was right. I've been studying really hard for shade tests in the real world.
God the fucking male entitlement just starts SO. EARLY.
Did Sarah Silverman and Michael Sheen break up? But they're meant to be! Like Russ and Rebecca on Chums! [ONTD]
A coworker of mine retired and a bunch of us went to this ratty ass bar after work. One of our other coworkers (a grown ass adult, contrary to what the next few words might lead you to believe) suggested shots and picked Fireball. So we all did SO MANY shots of Fireball and things got weird and upper management was…
Someone on Jez recently said having a kid is like raising a dog who eventually talks, and it's so true (in the best way)! They come out of you unable to do jack shit, and then when they start to understand words and communicate like a human person it's mind blowing. "You're talking?! You used to be a lump! I love…
Jack Pratt is an inherently adorable name. I'm also crossing my fingers that his middle initial is an S.
I am that crying baby today. I'm exhausted, PMSing, depressed because I just turned 30 on Monday and feel like I'm a failure at life for no reason, work is taking advantage of me again. I called my mom sobbing and she was basically the older brother in this video all, "Have you slept? Honey, you need to sleep."
Childhood is insisting you are too grown up for a nap. Adulthood is wishing desperately that you could squeeze in a nap.
Matt, quit making burners to post about how hot you are. We've discussed this.
It is not her hair. It is her facial structure. She has a much prettier mouth, but they bear more than a passing resemblance.
When they say don't mix Cipro with pinot grigio, they really mean it.