
And a partridge. In a pear tree.

Whatever i'm still waiting for the long curly black hair growing out of your chin that you don't notice for 6 months to come into style.

I can see where that would solve the whole "Now, be sure to send me a copy of the ones YOU took..." problem. Makes total sense.

THANK GOD you have a common first name or Us Weekly would be knocking down your door.

There are a lot of articles on Jezebel I don't care about. It's almost like they aren't all written with me in mind, like other people's interests matter too. Strange how that works.

White folks get *real* interested in black children when they can get a black adult in trouble

The slit-git'er. In camouflage.

Labia Shame Patch?

Do your labia hang low? Do they wobble to and 'fro? Can you tie 'em in a knot, can you tie 'em in a bow?

I don't care what you say, Cuchini is the only possible name for this product.

It is all very Pygmalion/My Fair Lady, isn't it?

I'll never stop rooting for Kim and Kanye to make it.

and Scandal, obviously. :)

Whenever my kids get babysat and I don't have to fix anyone else supper, I totally eat cereal for lunch and supper. There's no after-taste of effort

He seems to continually be asking after the gym. Tired people might not want to have sex. Like she fell asleep and that seems to be evidence her movie watching wasn't stopping her from having sex. But its evidence she might not have the energy.

If this lackluster Excelmanship is any indication, this is a man who lacks passion.

I was thinking about Soso. I like how it's sort of an outside perspective of how Piper must have seemed to everyone when she first got there, and now Piper can see how bullshit her behavior was. It kind of puts into perspective how much Piper has changed.

You know, Jocelyn Wildenstein doesn't look as bad as I thought...

Is that Mary Steenburgen on the right? She is my favorite actress.

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