
I think you mean, "Maybe Won".

Every time I see this, I hope he's got a mirroring tattoo on his back that says, "Ok. Maybe One."

I like that she still wants to fit in "dye his carpet pink" between all that evil.

They say it's an international employee as well, which explains it more. Also, millennials still know about history, but you have to remember as more time goes on and more and more events pile up, things that were a BIG deal at the time often become a blip on the historical radar later, and niche history for people

Say what you will, but in my day we KNEW about shit that went down before we were born. And this was before the nets.

Doesn't that Orwell quote have some weird comma placement?

Anyone else notice that Bey and Blue's dress prints are from Mommy Dearest? NO? JUST ME? OK. Happy Holidays.

Dear Katherine,

At certain angles, Scott Eastwood looks very much like a young version of his father, Clint.

Always glad to hear someone embrace her child-free life, though I prefer the succinct and to-the-point explanation by Helen Mirren:

No mystery. This buzz is exactly why she changed the lyrics.

You win all the lols just for 'Little Lord Scottleroy'.

I propose a new derogatory word: thickebag. Please feel free to use in a sentence.

So I LOVED Community...I really did. But I'm just gonna say it, I think it's time for it to be over. Sorry?

"...old sack of accounting books from the 80s bound together with imitation 90s Chinese Laundry shoe leather..."

My mom, who has worked as an RN in substance abuse treatment for 40 years, has always said regarding substance abuse and mental health issues, "women go to treatment, men go to jail."

Fucking Donald Trump. That old sack of accounting books from the 80s bound together with imitation 90s Chinese Laundry shoe leather needs to pipe fucking down now.

Now playing

Shia lebeuof reminds me of the family guy cutaway about mickey rooney

McCarthy is making it appear she left in solidarity with Shepherd. McCarthy was fired.

I got the feeling it was more in reference to the fact that rumors have been going around that Jenny wasn't getting her contract renewed by ABC for next season either way, so her saying "If Sherri goes, I go too" comes off like she had a choice in the matter. I could be wrong however.