
If you took the time to actually read her comment she actually makes the capitalistic argument. She's saying that the products for darker-skinned women get pulled too quickly from the shelves to make the retailer money. If the products were on the shelves longer, darker-skinned women would have time to find them,

"This was the shit black people (use) to do..."??

How old are you?! I remember when Nick first came out! Today's Special, David the Gnome, and Maya the Bee when I was little. Then You can't do that on television, Clarissa Expains it all, Hey Dude, Pete and Pete. They don't make tv shows like that anymore.

Yes! No one ever remembers Roundhouse, but I loved that show! I remember trying to copy the dancing. I'd love to see if it still holds up.

and Roundhouse!

you shut your fucking mouth before you get an awful waffle.

Hey Dude, Salute Your Shorts, and Pete and Pete—also Clarissa Explains it All and Are You Afraid of the Dark.

As much as I hate to be that guy... it's muriatic acid.

It doesn't really look out of place this summer. Though, regarding those shoes on that surface:

Now playing

Gabbo: And now it's time for another patented Gabbo Crank Call!

Coburn makes a great point about how unfair it is that some participants in the Belmont don't run the first two Triple Crown races. I was just talking to a friend about how fair the rest of horse racing is to the horses.

Maybe it's just me, but all I can see are child brides in their wedding portraits. Those poses are super creepy and couple-y. Not how I looked when I posed with my dad at my wedding, or any pictures. Ergh.

Oh, you do the Edward Keyfingers power walk to your door, too?

Gender equality just isn't everyone's passion, and y'all are gonna have to learn to make your peace with that instead of picking on people for it. It's fine, really! I bet many of you are just bored to tears by environmental activism, or by trying to find a cure for cancer, or economic justice, or whatever other

Actually, sorry Christina and Miley, but in the music world, PRINCE is the original chaps-wearer.

He had just met the squirrel and was taking a selfie without the squirrel's permission. He had it coming.

Squirrel attacks sound truly terrifying, but I support the Celine Dion thing.

Squirrels were attacking people taking selfies, and police were confiscating stereos of people who played Celine Dion on repeat. It was as close to karmic justice as humanity ever got.

Remember when news were good? We had a nice run.