JaggerTheDog Part Deux

It made me extremely happy to see that Emilia Clarke wasn’t just in this as somewhat of a throwaway character just to add some emotion to Talos’s character. More Emilia is more bettererer!

As a man, I’m offended anyone thinks Ben Shapiro is actually a man.

Ever watch the movie Role Models? He’s the Ken Jeong character that takes LARPing way too seriously...or he’s the kind of guy that would actually volunteer to wear the minotaur costume.

I don’t care who you are. If you ask a question that you know could give you an answer you don’t like, don’t fucking act all surprised and hurt when you get that answer. Also, posting the convo online as a way to get sympathy from people to help your fragile ego is just fucking stupid.

14 seasons.

Oh man. This is sad, but, 17 years!?!?! Wow! Good for you! Wish you all the best, Luke! You’ll be missed.

So how long until airlines start adding ‘Time Out Rooms’ into planes? Like take one of the bathrooms (or two in larger planes) in the back and just convert it into a little prison cell. I’m all for it!

...it values the feelings and rights of cis athletes above all else.

Mugsy Bogues is 5'3" and played in the NBA for 14 seasons...

And women wonder why some guys would rather just ghost...

Absolutely disgusting! I hope they find the guy and make him disappear for a long, long, long time.

Good for her. I credit Lexapro for getting me through the last four years of my life. I wish I hadn’t been so against medication in the past, otherwise I would’ve taken it a decade ago.

Thanos was right.

I’ve found plenty of items that I can neither salvage nor imprint. What gives? Are they story items or something?

Dammit. SO close.

Imagine if you could buy a game like Diablo and just play it whenever you want without the need for ‘always online’ access? There’s absolutely 100% ZERO need to make a game like this without a feature that lets you play local-only!

This isn’t a knock on Kesha or anything (it’s more about my weird ass brain), but I’ve realized that every single time her name is mentioned, I can never picture her face. When I actually DO see her face, it just doesn’t register. I feel like I’m always seeing her for the first time.

I heard they studied Brendan Schaub’s routine to get it just shitty enough.

Cheeky. Take your star.

As soon as I heard there was an implosion, I was immediately reminded of a scene from the movie Underwater. *shudder*