JaggerTheDog Part Deux

As long as the BP is free, I’m good. I already paid for the game and don’t plan on spending money on nfts.

So three millionaire streamers, who literally don’t matter, are arguing over morals and money? I keep praying for the asteroid, but I think I have to find a new God.

That’s like choosing to use a synthesizer instead of a hand-built piano because it generates the sound you want.

If they could offer a version of the game that includes all fixes, plus the DLC, I may just pick it up.


tl;dr: Talentless person making a lot of money gets jealous of other talentless person making a lot of money so they whine to their ‘agent’ to get them more money.

This is incredible. They’re debating the legalization of goblin anime taint porn lol. Good thing I’m working from home today.

McGregor’s a cocky asshole, but all the nonsense aside, he’s one of the biggest reasons that MMA is as popular as it is. Surprisingly enough, he’s just as good a fighter as he is a big-mouthed, shit talker.

Tip: If you want to save space, just slot gems into armor that’s already in your inventory. When you go to salvage the armor, the gems return to your inventory.

Yeah, but, loot!!!!

You spent 172 hours playing a game. Now you get to start over playing the same game. Boo hoo.

Who knew people wanted to see ‘tasteful’ nudes of a Bill Nye on meth cosplayer?

He’s as innocent as Joe Rogan is clean.

This one feature is better than some entire games that have been released in the last 6+ months.

Holy shit. I actually didn’t even realize that. I 100% read it as if it WAS about multiple people. My brain is fucked.

The fact that we even live in a world where ‘celebrities’ are a thing that matters to people is pretty fucked.

Maybe instead of listing pronouns, we should all just list chromosomes...

Planes are generally a couple miles apart as a minimum safe distance and when they’re over the oceans it’s much wider, so I don’t know if those airborne wakes are enough to do that. It’s interesting to think about, though. I can imagine highly-trafficked routes could possibly have affects at least on smaller planes?

No argument there!

r/CrazyFuckingVideos went dark and I don’t know what to do with myself. Certainly not gonna waste time ‘working’...