JaggerTheDog Part Deux

If it wasn’t for the age thing, I would just say Ki-Adi just stuck to the script and kept whatever this incident turned out to be under wraps, which is what Vernestra wanted. Can’t wait to see how they spin this one...

I’ve been riding for only 5 years, but I won’t even go around the block without a helmet. I’ve never understood why people need to ride without them, including some of my friends who’ve been riding for a long time and have had accidents. Helmets should be federal law, just like seat belts and airbags for cars. Hit ‘em

Thank you for choosing a Portuguese plane on the anniversary of Portugal’s Carnation Revolution. Much appreciated. :-)

Anyone going into this expecting anything other than big, dumb, kaiju fun and then complaining about it is a complete moron. Plain and simple.

Damn. I just noticed that, too.

If the board is smart (which, let’s be honest, anyone involved with Chump generally isn’t) they won’t relieve him of the lock-out period because it’ll surely tank the stock price. This is a bubble stock with overly inflated valuation for a platform that’s lost nearly 40% of it’s users year over year. Pull up a lawn

Reminds me of the blue interior of my first car: 1987 Honda Accord.

I’m kind of surprised the guy on the phone didn’t throw out more ‘colorful’ words to describe the reviewer aside from “kid”.

“I don’t know why I said that. I’m sorry.”

Paul’s gonna taste that double uppercut from Tyson and question every decision he’s ever made in life. The clown is finally going to get a dose of reality.

Blame the servers.

This god damn industry is filled with too many suits making bad decisions and unnecessary bets without repercussion. I hope this all really fucks over the big publishers as their games turn out shittier because their terrible leadership keeps costing talented people their jobs.

There were plenty of stories told in The Crow ‘universe’ through the comics that it’s just so unbelievably stupid that anyone would try to remake the ‘94 film which was already a perfect visual representation of the original comic. There’s simply no need whatsoever to touch that movie especially when you consider

Never read the book, but saw the movie four times in theaters and still watch it once or twice a year to this day. One of my favorites.

Why is it still being referred to as Overwatch 2?

Having a bad day, kiddo?

Dudesy did this same thing with Tom Brady and his people were on it within SECONDS. I’m a fan of the Dudesy podcast and the hosts, but I definitely cringed when this came out.

$69B to buy another company... You’d think that having that kind of money to throw around would be enough to, you know, GROW YOUR DAMN BUSINESS WITHOUT LAYING PEOPLE OFF!

Trillions of planets out there and we’re stuck on the one where this schmuck is considered ‘newsworthy’.

I just love the fact that so many people are enraged by good news involving HL.