JaggerTheDog Part Deux

Uhg... Yes. That fucking face, too. >:-/

Guy is in a cycle where he needs to get views to fund his efforts to make videos that get more views to fund more efforts... Then again, that’s just about every ‘content creator’ that’s made a career out of YT.

Fucking Christ... kids are stupid, but your life shouldn’t be completely ruined because you sang a lyric you shouldn’t have. Now, if a video of him using the word in some rant or directing at someone, then, by all means, toss him into the fucking abyss!

Long Island.

Someone makes an allegation with zero proof and the accused responds with unnecessary cringe. Where have we seen this before?

Three things I need in order to give a damn about VR:

Came here to say exactly this! I’m not immune to making ‘unnecessary’ purchases, but I make sure to keep a constant eye on my finances. Things are just too unpredictable to get complacent anymore.

Live chats are always dangerous.

I’ve had a couple video playthroughs go on in the background (Gerstmann, Nextlander) and each one seemed to have the same reactions where the dialogue was cringe and the game started slow, but seemed to improved as they played on. Really sounds like the game needs some patching and hopefully the devs are paying

She needs to stay away from bees.

I’m a little torn here. While I appreciate what they did here and deviated from the game to present a very well done episode, I was hoping it would show a version of the High School area from the game including the fight with the bloater.

As much as I don’t want to support anything that has to do with treasonous losers like Hawley, I’m totally behind the ban.

I wanna see them come back with a card called Ureener and it has a pissing problem.

Not many movies are made less and less appealing with each trailer...

I think it makes perfect sense that they did this in such a “heinous” way because it demonstrated just how bad things can go as the result of one, little mistake (looking at you, Ellie!). Sure, the clickers were brought out because of the floor collapsing, but they were alerted by her gasp.

HAHA Once again, rEaDiNg iS HeRd.... When did I say it WASN’T?!? Get your head wound taken care of, buddy.

Who am I defending lol? Literally the entire point of this was the fact that you keep blaming DEMS while not acknowledging that Long Island is primarily RED and that this was inevitable and only GOP supporters could ever put someone like Santos in power. Considering your brutal infatuation with the politicians that’s

Again, reading is difficult for you. Go back and take alook at the voting numbers. Shitbag Santos had more support in his first run than any previous GOP. Suozzi leaving plus an influx of GOP supporters left it wide open for Santos to con his way in. He flipped the seat due to inaction on DEM voters and blind support

I can do a pretty good Ricky Gervais impression if they’re interested...

Damn. Jess being let go is too bad as she brought a compelling voice and insight to the team. Fairly confident she’ll eventually be ok and either land somewhere else or her own online presence will get enough of a support boost from the GB exposure.