JaggerTheDog Part Deux

You still don’t get it, do you? It’s ok. Reading comprehension must not be one of your strengths. Allow me to explain the obvious: You clickity-clacked away at your keyboard with your clubbed fingers and ranted about Dems, saying it was their fault a shitbag like Santos got elected, while completely ignoring the fact

Wow. Your mental gymnastics couldn’t win in the Special Olympics.

Well, now I can finally use Galactus.

How am I lying? Did I say there weren’t any Democrats on LI? All I said is it’s mainly Red, here. Kinda obvious which way you swing, though lol.

Plenty of comedians running around committing sexual assaults and pedo stuff, but everyone still has to find a reason to give Dave Chappelle shit for doing his job as a comic.

Long Island is primarily Red, bubba.

Being from Long Island, there’s already so much to be embarrassed about. Why the fuck did Nassau County have to add this guy to the list??? God dammit!

Based on your out-the-gate assumptions, I’m going to guess you have little life experience and seriously need to get out more. Maybe go find your own Andrew Tate? See how your keyboard warrior approach to life goes for ya.

Or just, you know, go with literally any other brand of motorcycle that’s far more reliable and not horribly overpriced?

Bring it! Less HD’s with their engines falling apart on the side of the road is a good thing.

Because you’re so aware of what I’ve learned through personal experience and those around me. Fuck off with your SJW bullshit and go get touched for once.

That’s so not cool to call just those girls young and stupid. It’s a well known fact that ALL young people are stupid.

Right. Because “5 fucking minutes of googling” is proper DuNe MuH oWn ReSuRjJ...


As someone who is also a beginner rider (3 years 4 mos., 3k miles on Long Island) all I can say is that if you’re only wearing this vest, it’s not gonna help you all that much if it’s all you’ve got. I don’t care what local laws are, you should ALWAYS wear full gear! Armor padded jacket, helmet, gloves, boots, jeans (m

The same women who complain about older men getting with younger women that are hotter than their previous old ladies are also the same women who complain about their asshole same-age boyfriends who treat them like shit and then wish they could find an older and hopefully more mature man. Of course, they rarely do,

If I had the opportunity she had, I would’ve fucking thrown away my soul to keep myself in the Disney/Marvel world. I would’ve done whatever extremely vile shit they asked me to do. I’m talking voting for 45 or spending 10 minutes alone in a room with Harvey Weinstein or cleaning a bathroom in a Scientology church.

Really? That’s odd. I mean, I ACTUALLY play the game and have sidestepped every possible desire to spend money to try and get better cards while slogging to level 1,681. So what’re the ways to pay for better decks/cards? Let’s see...

So he ‘made’ an AI-girlfriend instead of throwing money at Amouranth? Good for him!

Only reason I don’t have HoL is because it’s isn’t on PS5. Was totally going to buy it if it did come out for the system, but now this news will probably kill that port. Also, still gonna buy the new HP game, unless the reviews are terrible.