
So, when men say women are unpredictable, overly emotional, and nasty when they're on their periods, they're being feminist. Ok, got it.

Can you name a country that IS for black people? I can't think of any place on Earth where black people thrive, including countries run by black people. Including countries colonized by other nations. Including countries that practiced slavery. Is this an American problem or a global one?

As somebody whose job requires encountering these kinds of harassing, nasty images, I think the mental health claims here are a little overly dramatic. It's the internet, it's ugly, you have to just deal with it. That said, it's a huge waste of time for employees to manually weed out messages that are clearly in

Or maybe change the diaper in your car.

Or you could just do it old school.

All I remember is the rope and the invisible airplane.

Dark, drab, and disappointing! Is she Hercules extra?? A brooding novice warrior princess who's not yet allowed to wear the fancy trim?? C'mon guys, Wonder Woman is dazzling and fierce. She's optimistic. She's bright. She's all about primary colors and gold glitz. Dressing her up like a brown beetle is like putting

In my work experience, it's best to move through emotions quickly and privately, and focus your energy on positive outcomes. Coworkers aren't lovers or family members who should tend to each others innermost "feelings"—they're people who need to communicate about expectations, timelines, goals, opportunities, and

Instead of snarking at young women who disagree with modern feminism, maybe pay attention. Why are so many young women who should, by all accounts, be invested in feminism turning away from it? Misunderstanding it? Viewing it as an obstacle? How is this happening? How can feminists change this? And please don't

You lost me at "We went to lunch"—ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???????? I would have left the place without even saying goodbye. I might have stayed long enough to dump something on him. At best, I would have let him see me walk out. You put up with asshole-ism, you deserve asshole-ism.

A broad clinical discussion about at-risk populations is *about* numbers, statistics, behavioral tendencies and other faceless, depersonalized issues. And this cover visually depicts a particular high- risk group in generic terms. I don't see the problem.

But he has wonderful oral hygiene. Look at those white teeth! That immaculate tongue! Too bad about the horrible mustache.

"How dare these white, western-looking girls behave as savagely as Arabs." If they were wearing chadors and tweeting "Death to Jews" this wouldn't be a story.

The irony here is that ISU (located in Normal, Illinois!) is a banal, polite, Midwest Nice, Eisenhower Republican kind of campus utterly uninterested in making any big political statements. They're just being accommodating to trans students—-and this is not a controversy on campus or in the community. So if ISU can

Where are these places where effeminate men are appreciated more than masculine ones?

This is the part of the family dinner where we critique our aging aunt for her un-hip politics. Old people are so stupid.

Would somebody please give this girl something to do with her life?

Islamic modesty isn't just about covering skin; it's about concealing body contours. So I'm not convinced that a skin-tight, sequined cat suit is entirely halal.

And claiming "slavery" when you actually mean something like "This relationship left me feeling exploited" or "I feel like I was sexually harassed" undercuts the claims of women who actually have been raped or forced into sexual slavery. And republishing self-serving accusations like this—even on a slow news

You forgot to mention this part: