
Gonzo Odor Eliminator has fixed many a stinky closet, car, and blanket chest for me. It's a mesh bag filled with little white pumice stones. It takes about 10 days to clear the smell, but it works amazingly well. But beware of the grit that filters out (it's super abrasive).

Grandpa was a country doctor who was always the first to get a call after a serious accident. A truck full of farm workers had taken a corner too fast and men were flung out all over the road. One guy was killed after landing head first on the pavement, leaving chunks of his skull and brains on the sidewalk in front

Correction: Ban STRAIGHT men. We queens only beat on each other.

On one hand, I see these as right wing fathers understandably terrified of what this world does to young women and trying to figure out how to protect their beloved daughters. On the other hand, these fathers perpetuate the same misogyny and—-I imagine—the same public policies that makes their daughter's lives

Politics 101: When your target demographic thinks you have nothing to offer them, your message isn't working. Feminists need to realize that these indifferent young women are not the problem. And neither is the media. And neither is the patriarchy. You're the problem. If feminism is no longer a word or a concept

Weird but cute. Don't hate.

Yes, it's much more sane and socially acceptable to kill people in a video game for revenge or to act out some criminal fantasy. This kind of gaming is about stalking and killing human beings—I'm sorry, but that's fucked up. Period.

There's something deliciously ironic about complaining about players of a game that's ABOUT violent, anti social behavior who are behaving violently and anti-socially in that very game. Is it possible that fucked up games about violence and killing attract the wrong kinds of people?

Americans aren't the only ones who are allowed to hate themselves—let other groups have a chance.

The "wider society" had never heard the word "tranny" until 5 loud trans activists started complaining about it. And most LGTB folks never hear a trans person complain about it either. These kinds of histrionics are ABSURD.

I'm going to sue my school library for keeping a copy of the yearbook with that awful picture of me from sophomore year.

Like a 747. Though he'd have to agree not to talk either before or after.

In the late 80s, a high school friend spent a semester in France as an exchange student where his classmates nicknamed "sale Juif" (dirty Jew) after some of the boys saw him naked in the shower. He wasn't actually Jewish but the experience gave him a new perspective on how sophisticated and civilized the French can

Guys love him too. He gives me the weirdest boner and I'm too ashamed to tell any of my friends.

Too bad you can't trade in used silicone.

Making excuses for violent, out of control women is as stupid as making them for men. She wasn't defending herself, so she has no goddamned excuse to act like that.

Douchebag Women Ride Sex Toys for Camera 'To Fight Female Circumcision'

I'm with team Jada on this one. Attaching sexual intent where there isn't any—that's a way of sexualizing young girls too.

More politically expedient, ecumenical hypocrisy of a fundie Christian politician. Believing in a "creator" doesn't get you into heaven—-in fact, for conservative Christians, anything less than a narrow, inflexible belief in Christ's divinity, vicarious suffering, and resurrection will earn you a place in Hell right

I call bullshit on DETOXING. You poop? You're detoxing. You pee? Detoxing. Sweat? Detoxing. If you're drinking enough water to keep your system running properly, your body automatically detoxes itself *constantly* without some bullshit magical lemon pepper water woo-woo.