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    They actually dropped in one episode that Bernard had been there for 8 years.

    "as an increasingly probable certainty in weeks prior"

    Yeah, Logan is a dick, but William is casting his real, live sister aside out of an obsession with a robot he met a few days ago……

    "My flight back to Earth leaves in a few hours, so we need to get this done." - Charlotte, during the finale, probably…..

    I agree. This was her first "crisis".

    Do you mean Elizabeth herself? She has actually said IRL how fond she was of Churchill. So I assume they had a good relationship in general.

    Yeah, that's a pretty good point. I like your idea that we're being treated like culturally literate viewers though. I'll take it!!!!

    You beat me to it! I feel like there's like this small pool of people they are limited to pick from for these royal dramas. Clarie Foy was also Anne Boylen and Helen Mirren did BOTH Elizabeth's.

    I usually tend to err on the side of belief that the primary responsibility and duty of the storyteller is to tell an engaging story and to not be constrained by historical accuracy or to try and coddle our political inclinations. If it doesn't serve the story, then don't put it in.

    No heresy. I am inclined to agree. I had to watch all her scenes standing up. She was so engaging.

    Exactly. I know for the sake of humanity I probably shouldn't be rooting for Maeve, but I keep finding myself loving the idea of her murdering the human overlords and then releasing all the replicants into the "real world" to take over.

    Also, slightly tangential, he was basically a Nazi and the royal family and the government were acutely aware of this. His being informally banished across the pond was not just a matter of keeping up appearances but was also out of the genuine fear that if Hitler successfully invaded the UK he would be installed as

    After watching her as Anne Boleyn in Wolf Hall I decided I would watch anything she was in just for her. She's great.

    This made me think of how crazy it would be if Westworld were just one big Matrix prequel.

    I was very intrigued by the invoking of the religious themes as well. Fingers crossed for robot Messiah.

    Poe's Law brah.

    "Satire has to be clever."

    I mean…lets just use "abhimaan". If we can put "schadenfreude" in an ENGLISH dictionary then I don't see what's stopping us.

    Milliennials have second hand nostalgia, so we have fond memories of time periods we never actually lived through.

    The show has gone out of it's way to telegraph to us that LF knows or at least suspects.