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    "Targaryans have had multiple wives in the past."

    Exactly. I have no idea why people think that Meera is that important. Nothing about her character has been built up to that level at all. That reveal would be pushing it.

    It was sad because the show had done such a good job building her out from who she is in the books, but it looks like GRRM kept her on the DL because she was always meant to be cannon foder in the end.

    I wouldn't say it was a "better" plan.

    It's "Unella".

    There is zero evidence for that though.

    How do you know Elvis wasn't on the Titanic?

    Jon vs. Dany.

    I mean if we're being real about bloodlines all the ACTUAL Baratheons were gone last season.

    Also I am pretty sure LF knows about R+L=J. Which he knows also makes Jon a great candidate for the Iron Throne.

    Meh…the Starks are a lot of high talk, but that was then and this is now. Sansa's seen some shit.

    Yeah, but I think that's a lot less sexi no? If she didn't really know she still could have a least told him that the request was pending.

    Because Sansa has become a ruthless monster who knew that Ramsay would never leave the relative safety of Winterfell if the Stark forces included the Knights of the Vale, and she knew that Jon would never attack if he knew reinforcements were coming, but she needed Jon to attack to draw Ramsay out to open the Bolton

    Said with the voice of Olenna Tyrell: Queen of Burns.

    I don't think it's his fault. Think about what he has been through. He lost his entire family and now BR put a tool for him to be able to go back and see his family right in front of him? He reacted like a normal child (adult even) would react in this situation.

    I think they are building up to a defection on Arya's part against the Faceless men, but shes going to leave with *just enough* training to be an effective assassin.

    Did we really need all the tits scenes?

    Yeah I agree. I think the base assumption of my post was that we were talking about what made THIS scene different.

    Defs happens in the show too. Season 3.

    Except this scene did actually have a purpose beyond showing that she is resilient. She's figuring out that she can never actually be a faceless man for several reasons.