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    We didn't see all the steps involved though. A lot of medical procedures 'sound' simple. There is a reason doctors go through years of traning.

    I cosign this. I am an American Jew and I've had to explain to OTHER Jews that they are in fact an ethnicity and you can be both Jewish and Atheist. This is why so many Americans don't understand anti-semitism because they think Jews are just a religious group and anti-semitism historically has been centered around

    I think we at least broke even.

    Sad part is, this is actually what was happening until the end of the 1870s during "Redemption".

    Except that Tolkien reaffirmed MANY times that Lord of the Rings was explicitly not allegorical. Seriosuly, half his letters are about how much he hates allegory. Also, ME looks nothing like Europe or Asia.


    Yep. I wasn't crazy about the Sheeran cameo, but that scene was good. Apparently, Sheeran's presence was deeply offensive for a lot of people. Jesus folks, it was a speed bump at worst, all this bitching is pathetic.

    Where the fuq is this guy getting that Gondor = Italy? WTF?

    My thought was that the Baratheon skeleton crew in charge of Dragonstone just bounced when they saw the dragons and the fleet.

    The one take-away I've gotten from this whole conversaton is that people think Middle Eastern = Arab.

    Actually, NOT a fake Russian quote. That was popular in the Soviet era. Ties in nicely with the very first scene of this season.

    I have no problem saying that I enjoy watching Aliens more, but that Alien is the technically better film.

    I am still sad we never got an AVClub review of Atomic Falafel. :(


    You're thinking of the Haredi (the ones the Anglophone media adorably calls "ultra-orthodox"). They live in their own little universe, even in Israel they're totally ghettoized. The ones they are fighting are most likely also Orthodox…just like…'normal' Orthodox (aka most Jews).

    Honestly, I am still pretty pro Clarke here. The conclave were everyone fights to the death so only one cru can survive was unfathomably stupid, and no, Octavia being generous doesn't make it any less stupid. I would have scammed the grounders too. At some point in your life you have to realize that people have to

    I am so down for anything that Might Get Homoerotic™ involving Ricky Whittle.

    On the flip side I think giving her a big emotional send off could be very cathartic and rewarding. I like the fact that The 100 is willing to off big characters (excpet maybe Clarke). I know everyone hates the idea of Raven dying, but if they do it right andd she goes out like a badass or something, I'll allow it.

    None of the ages or timelines make since at this point. I've just decided that everyone is 25 and they've been on Earth for about 2 years.

    Yeeeeaaaahhhh…..I am just going to ignore that timeline and substitute my own.