Jafafa Hots

That's his big gripe against his brother. Jimmy has charisma and charm and people skills. Chuck is a stiff.

"Here’s where the cold open, where we meet Rebecca Bois (the composer of the music Chuck was playing in last week’s cold open)"

It's not like I'm a health food nut or anything, but just reading the amount of fat in these things is making my stomach churn. :(

When Chuck went off on Jimmy being an addict with his scams, I SO wanted Jimmy to come back with something like "You're one to talk, you with your bullshit lying there shivering under aluminum foil because you think someone's electric razor is making you sick…"

For me it was when I had had a couple of Beamish and went back for more only to discover I only had two bucks left on me, so I ended up trying a Miller Icehouse which was on special as the "one-dollar beer of the night."

What's really ironic is that hipsters don't actually understand true irony.

disregard me.I was thinking Eugene.

He's clearly supposed to be somewhere on the autism spectrum (asperger's, etc.) and not just a callous asshole.

you're talking about the TV show where skulls are paper thin and you can stick a knife clean into them with less effort than cutting a slice of Italian bread…

"Plus he's making a concentrated effort to get back to diplomacy."

It has Eva Green in it. How the hell can you NOT watch?!
I'd watch paint dry on Eva Green.

I don't see it as hubris. I see it as paternalism.
He's a softy at heart, and when he sees people about to fuck themselves up, he casts himself into a father figure role despite his first impulse.

Point me to some substance in any of your replies to me.
Then we'll talk, m'kay, Sparky?

Look, I'm really really sorry I insulted your best friend. I promise to be nicer to it from now on. Have a nice day, and say hello to the Meals on Wheels driver for me, k?

I grew up calling it pop but when I moved to CA started calling it soda. Now I'm back where I started and still call it soda, "pop" just sounds stupid to me now.
Soda, because it was originally derived from soda water. Makes sense.

It's not like there has been a last straw, really.
The whole show has been a haystack, I just kept looking for the needle.

This is a thread where people discuss their opinions of the show.
I gave mine.
In response, you gave… wait, no, you didn't.

I feel myself nearing the "it's time to give up on this horribly-written show" frame of mind. Happened with so many. Rescue Me, Sons of Anarchy, True Blood, Scandal, Dexter, etc. etc.

People in NY, lots of places… the midwest, etc.

Yeah, especially since they sometimes seemed to be 70s references from someone who didn't live during the 70s.