Jafafa Hots

Addiction is not a "weakness." It's a chemical dependency that the body invariably develops. There's also the mental aspect of compulsive behavior which is often co-morbid with the chemical dependency… Does Kim exhibit any signs of compulsive behavior?

Especially when you take into account that he says he started checking the till every day for rare coins… which could very well be what Chuck witnessed and assumed was "robbing their dad blind."

It was left ambiguous in BB, but in BCS they're expanding on it to give Gus a more sympathetic reason for going homicidal

I was commenting on the review. Since when are the comments of hundreds of random people considered required reading to comment on the substance of the ARTICLE?

Yes. Boyfriend, whatever. They were romantic partners. That was implied in the original scene, Vince Gilligan came out and said so, and the reference to "Butt Brothers" in this episode further confirms it.

I don't believe that this episode took place BEFORE Gus' lover's murder, as stated in the review. When the two approached the cartel with the restaurant idea, not only was the idea just that - a plan, not a reality, but Gus was made to look younger.

It seemed very realistic. It seemed just like all the sex I've ever had.

Blondes, bleh. The brunette? She, I'd talk to.

Actually what it needed to be was just one of at least two (better three) threads intertwined in one episode. There was maybe ten minutes of material at best. Have something going on elsewhere and periodically flash to a minute or two of this, etc.

What this show needs is a person who has spent the entire time since the fall of civilization simply hanging out in the woods living off the land and keeping out of sight with the bushcraft skills they had before it all went to hell.

I dunno, I've more or less though of Castro as being dead for at least five years. I actually had to try to remember just last month if he was still alive or not.

LOL. One of them told me I looked like a Baldwin brother. Worried, I asked which one. She said "Oh, not one of the ACTUAL Baldwin brothers… just, like, you'd be another one."

Have you ever noticed that you've never seen Elmo and Jar Jar Binks in the same room at the same time? That CAN'T be a coincidence.

Hey, when I was going through some tough times, I met some beautiful-quirky-manic-nonconformist type women and we hit it off and had brief but intense interactions.

Hey, this was a lighthearted romp compared to my actual family life. (not everyone gets to grow up with a serial killer in the house and have that fact NOT be the worst thing about their childhood.)

Yeah. The Strain kind of KNOWS it's stupid. So it makes it more OK.

Good point. It could be a plot twist that the blood on the cab roof is HIS.

I cried.

Yeah. It was worse than that. I was crossing the street to a friend's house and was hit by a speeding (65 mph) pickup truck. I also had a shattered pelvis and broken hips, and internal injuries that required two surgeries.

Hell, even medical professionals didn't take it too seriously, at least in the 1980s. I had a skull fracture and had anterograde amnesia for weeks and when I finally came around, they sent me home without even talking about it or suggesting a specialist or anything.