Jafafa Hots

Ed Begley Jr. and I almost collided into each other one day in the 90s as I was rushing to get off a BART train and he was rushing to get on.
We did the whole "you go that way, no wait, I'll go that way" side-to-side dance, and what was great was that he was so Ed Begley Jr. in the way he did it.

Absolutely. That's a rule I swear by - NEVER GENERALIZE.

Because I read the fucking review. And the review made it clear that though the video was for comedic effect, the scam of polygraphs was being taken seriously. Subsequent to my posting the comment, I watched the clip and what I thought was confirmed. They treated polygraphs as something that were real.

"The Lawyer?"
Don't you realize who that character WAS?

In today's Red State Update YouTube video from New Hampshire, at the end there's a couple of real Trump supporters in a car with a megaphone. The guy with it yells "Trump 2-16!" (yes, two-sixteen, not twenty-sixteen…) "Jackie Broyles" says "2-16?" and the guy repeats "Yeah! Trump 2-16!"

Not Freaky Friday! Big! Or Vice Versa! Or..

Haven't watched it, but polygraphs are bullshit and nobody should be lending them any credibility.

I don't find this story believable at all.
Why would anyone be buying O'Doul's??

IP law is the privatization of the commons. We now live in a pay-per-view culture. The vast majority of all creative works from the 20th century are still in copyright… but they are out of print, unavailable, unable to be read, watched, listened to, accessed, let alone referenced and reworked.

The show made a lot of little errors this season with respect to depicting 1979… a product of writers too young to remember that year, I suppose… but the Vietnam helicopter story was totally true… from the baby dropping, to the pilot hovering for a long time while taking off his flight suit, skillfully crashing it

Just finished watching it.
It was great fun.

or at least barren.

I don't think so. The clothes and accent gave the impression they were thinking of New York.

How did Ed get Mike Milligan's hotel phone number?

They sure don't know what guys from Buffalo sound like.

I was never a fan of superhero stories, and I remember thinking, a few years before Unbreakable came out "what I would like to see is a story that tries to have a superhero of some kind while sticking to scientific reality as much as is possible."
In other words, no radioactve spider bites, etc. but just, a normal

It's still not clear whether Democracy did though.

Actually, the supervillian being "safely in prison" is usually where the sequel starts.

"The case you have just seen was based on unactual events. The names have been changed to protect the original writers."

Was that tower always inches away from the wall, or is it something writers thought of later?
Anyway, seriously bad planning on the part of that dead great architect. Even if stable, a tower just outside your defense wall is… kind of a handy way to get past that barrier, no?