Jafafa Hots

No… it's Daryl until he washes his hair.

I've wondered… apparently zombies don't need musculature to move their bones around. Interesting.
Zombies have limited telekinesis.

That's not the worst of it… especially with tight pants… in the southern heat with hygiene difficulties and micro-chafing etc., everyone would have nasty boils on their inner thighs and nasty ass pimples to the degree that they would all be walking funny.

OK fine.
So next, lets have a TV series about ghosts that occurs in a world where nobody has ever told ghost stories before.

I thought I hit reply… oh well. :/

It would be hilarious if they did but used it on a live person.
"Stop staring off like a zombie, Glenn, and help me move these water buckets!"

Oh. Ok.
Then… same thing.

"Deanna represents the stability of civilization and the inherent safety
of the social contract. (For crying out loud, she was in Congress.)"

I thought it was really neat how when Maggie and whatever-his-name is were walking through the sewer and came to that T-junction, they turned and went down the dark tunnel towards us and not to the right where there was MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF DAYLIGHT streaming in, conveniently lighting their stand-for-a-moment-and-talk

Is "in the barn" a similar thing to "jump the shark?"

With a companion while talking.

What's worse is that the heart monitor had his heartbeat as normal until about 10 seconds before she was about to drain it… then changed rapidly to abnormal… only to return to normal a few seconds later, after she'd drained it.

This show sure likes to underline the underlines that are underneath the all-caps 72-point bolded words that have 5 exclamation points after them.

But all of that was wild-ass speculation, along with volcanos, disease, etc.
And the shift in the earth's axis was BS.
Point is, the "asteroid theory" was not even close to being a prevailing and commonly-discussed theory, and a pop-culture reference of the time, as the show presented it as being.

I hope that means Tom Cruise gets eaten next…

Speaking of flashback episodes, how come this show hasn't had a "retrospective flashback to save money" episode… you know, where they all sit around for a meal and say "hey, remember that time that we…" (and then scenes from a previous show come on) and then back to the present with everyone nodding, and then someone

I just saved you from being blinded by glass shrapnel from lasagna during a zombie apocalypse and this is how you thank me…

I'm betting that for the filming of the scene they didn't actually have the oven on. ;)

Yeah but you're overlooking the shitty-writing factor.

This show has become too implausible.
NOBODY 16-18 years ago would have named their daughter Enid. No way.