
Every second on that runway I was praying that a Spaced slow motion gunfight would break out. I really really want to see these queens go full John Woo

Katya in an Alias reboot. Just like in the original, every episode she disguises herself as a Russian hooker, steals something, runs down a corridor and gymkatas some bad guys

You've made me realise that had she lived Diana would have been the perfect guest judge. As would Liz Taylor. That's bummed me out

In the aftermath of her death, Sky tv filleted out of The Simpsons anything that hinted at even slightly car accidents or hospitals. So episodes were a lot shorter and made no narrative sense. Which sucked because The Simpsons was the single greatest thing about living through the 90s. While the Kursk disaster was

I lost it when Steve said "..or else it's the only way you're going to be able to shoot from now on."

In Our Time has been covered here a few times but not recently. Another BBC show that has been mentioned in Podmass is The Archers which may be worth revisiting in a future column. It's a daily radio soap about farming folk which has been running since the early fifties with a very jaunty theme tune, it's available

Another BBC podcast worth checking out is From Our Own Correspondent. It's a once or twice weekly show where various BBC foreign correspondents deliver short dispatches from around the world. It might be alternative takes on a big news story that week, something that wouldn't be covered in the regular news or an

A British TV channel has just started broadcasting Drag Race (the US version, the UK one has not got off the ground yet but fingers crossed) and now there are big adverts with Ru looking resplendently golden on the side of London buses. When cycling through the London traffic to and from work, I imagine living in a

To my British ears Max's accent doesn't sound British. In fact the standard of our elocution and diction this side of the Atlantic is very poor, we're busy people who don't have the time to properly enunciate our words.

A totally live finale? That would be Drag Race crossed with the Eurovision Song Contest. Which would be the greatest thing ever.

Violet is a celestial being who transcends what we mortals understand of gender, beauty and fashion. Raja didn't try to look like a beautiful woman but like a very beautiful man trying to look like a beautiful woman. Violet also has that sublime aesthetic, that drag for those without fear to take risk is an artform

I assumed Ginger did the whole bitter old lady act as an affectation done for comedic effect. Like Max's air of prudishness.

Earlier this year Ru was a guest on the Savage Lovecast. If I recall correctly Dan Savage raised the point that the gay men shown on TV are often upper middle class and white like, for example, on Modern Family. A gay working class, African-American or Latino kid could watch Drag Race and see someone on TV who is

Over the season I have come to like and respect Kennedy. I knew she'd survive her next lipsynch and send a queen I really liked home. Alas it had to be Katya.

Elliott always has a twinkle in his eye, a cheeky grin and is a millisecond away from launching into a complicated song and dance routine. I think his plane of existence is a 1950's MGM musical.

Those moments in the confessionals when Violet says something shady, leans back slightly and her face slowly breaks into a beatific smile. I love those.

I hope Trix is up for some GTA Online. I don't partake in any of the violent antisocial stuff instead focussing my efforts on getting my character's hair, outfit and makeup just right before cruising along the game's version of Rodeo Drive in a vintage open topped sports car. It's the closest video games have come

I had the exact same reaction when I first listened to The Flop House. I stuck with it and now would still eagerly listen even if they dispensed with the bad movie discussion and it was just a solid ninety minutes of Elliott's musical comedy improvisation. Either I've tuned into their comedic wavelength or I have a

Even as a non-American I've learned to discern which one's which. I'm particularly drawn to Chris's tone of urbanely icy sarcasm while being just a tiny hair trigger away from a complete meltdown, like Hans Gruber in the final minutes of Die Hard.