
I appreciate those callbacks to previous shows as it allows me to imagine every film they've ever done takes place in the same shared universe.

The 200th episode of We Hate Movies is the masterpiece of absurdist radio theatre we've come to expect from these distinguished gentlemen. However the nightmare fuel that is the mental picture of Jim Belushi's fraternity days is one I would perhaps consider having surgically removed from my brain.

It was lovely at the end of Untucked to see various members of the production team hugging Jaidynn goodbye.

My apologies. The entirety of my knowledge of Florida is derived from Scarface, Bad Boys I & II, eighties Burt Reynolds films and Vice City.

Tempest sounding somewhat aggrieved) does ask Kennedy to explain the thinking behind her pairings in Untucked.

I loved Violet's reaction shots every time Ginj spoke in Untucked.

Fame does have an intensity and energy about her when she strides onto the runway.

The Rose Nylund of drag? That is my single favourite ever comment

I find her North Floridaness endearing, I can imagine her wrestling 'gators with Burt Reynolds in a Hal Needham movie.

That clip from Snatch Game they showed at the start, just from that alone I think she and Ginj deserved to win last week.

I have to disagree with you on that one. It looked to me that Kennedy was trying to be fair and pair the queens who'd work well together or be a good physical match. None of the surviving queens are as tall as Tempest and that would have been a problem regardless of who she had to work with. Jaidynn had been in the

For me it's more of a delightful married couple chatting about stuff podcast than it is about the video games.

HDTGM stopped being a required listen some time ago. Not because it's standard has dropped in any way but over time our tastes will change. I love The Flophouse but WHM is my current favourite. It took a few listens to get into but at it's best it's like a crazed radio play packed full of tangents, impersonations

I enjoyed it but it's not a patch on the 1945 original where Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant swap faces.

I read it as a deliberate comedic choice on Max's part. To be prim and prudish in contrast to the saltiness and ribaldry of the other queens. She didn't quite pull it off but she's only 22, her persona and character are still a work in progress.

Ginj wasn't my favourite but she put skill and thought into her performance and consistency into her character. To be honest I'd sacrifice accuracy for that, the real Enfield accent is just a series of glottal stops and mangled vowel sounds, I preferred her version of it.

It's not fair to compare Max to Violet who would have had a serious commitment of time and effort to train her body for that. If Max isn't used to it, wearing a tight corset for hours probably made her feel disconcertingly close to a major organ failure.

Thanks for that and I appreciate your illumination on the matter. I've seen Paris is Burning but I wasn't aware of Pageant. It's what I love about Drag Race, it gives glimpses of what's a very long tradition with a rich varied culture behind it all.

There is a lot of footage that has to be edited down into a show that is just short of 42 minutes. In an ideal universe Drag Race would be on somewhere like the BBC or a Netflix exclusive where making room for ad-breaks wouldn't be a problem but alas it's not. What we see can be partial and may lack crucial context

I was afraid this would be another S3 but I was very pleasantly surprised. None of the performances would be elevated among the Immortals in the pantheon of the all-times Snatch Game greats but most of the girls gave a pretty good account of themselves. 6 was the best but 4 had it's own unique brilliance with it's