

Exactly. She’s an asshole who choose to trade on her looks to get ahead. Now it’s biting her in the ass. Tough shit. His behavior towards women was well known when she showed up. It’s not like he was unknown quantity. The conditions of her marriage may have changed but she willing entered into this marriage. As for a

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Why? Maybe she just thinks it’s not an effective way to protest? (I tend to agree.)

You can be all for what Kaepernick is standing (or rather, not standing) for and still think it’s not an effective tool. Evidence: Most of the discussion was about whether or not he was respecting the flag, veterans, etc., and not on

I'm gay & mostly Californian— where's my two spouses and a dog? I want my HUSBAND DOG.

I'm so excited for Poly with a Collie to be my favorite sitcom next year!

I wish these Fox commentators would stop talking about their personal fantasies on air.

Oh fine! Now they get picky about who to give home loans to...

I tend to think that forgiveness is earned. If the pope proceeds to prosecute the criminals and carry out whatever systematic changes are necessary to help prevent this in the future, then maybe he could ask for my forgiveness. Until then, nope.

Can I just say, I got my wedding photos recently and am being a huge girl about it?

I saw this movie in a theatre in Philly one time. There was some nerdy nerderson sitting next to me. During the opening sequence there is a POV shot of gliding through outer space as stars whiz by. Nerdy sees this and says ''It would never be like that - the distances are too great. The stars would be two dimensional

You wound me, MrsJakeWyler. You think that that English lad is a great Khan? I think not. He could not hurt Kirk without the aid of an overpowered ship and plot inconsistencies. I am the true Khan, the one that all Starfleet whelps should fear.

He hung out with Mary Magdalene and she was dope as hell.

I always picture Jesus having a good sense of humor

Probably all for the best to branch out... though wish it weren't necessary to be things like this.

Eventually though, if all you did was the weird sex, cute animal stories someone would accuse you of promoting weird sex WITH cute animals.

It's a slippery slope, yo!