
Obviously only killed Muldoon because he had a gun and Ellie was running from him. Easy to see the misunderstanding there.

My T-rex lived to be 34 but I kept her on a gluten free paleo diet so she would be extra healthy.

Everyone agrees that the T.Rex was the hero of Jurassic Park, right?

I still am just giddy as heck that we are actually getting Gorilla Grodd on TV in all his talking ape glory.

Seriously Hollywood. Your hairstyles are making that three-fingered, blue teleport demon look ridiculous.

Nice side bangs, Robbie would approve.

your right, all the western christians and their false god should be cleansed from the planet!

I never understand why people hate The Village so much.
(I of course *do* understand why they hate everything that followed!)

It’s not that bad, I think. Am I that wrong? I’m sure there are a hell of a lot of religious people who would jump at the chance to take their brood back to the Pilgrim times.
The Village had a

That just would not happen. Small town, everybody knows everybody, including the cops, nice old couple who never cause trouble, out of town kids who are causing problems. The cops would ignore them. If they ran away, the cops would take them back to the grandparents.

My thoughts: M Night Shyamalan must make films in order to hold back Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones. He’s keeping us all alive

It's interesting to see Harley and Ivy on here, but no Catwoman. I mean Harley has been bordering on anti-hero villain for a while now and Ivy has been straddling the line between ritous crusader and villain for a while, but Catwoman has probably been one of Batman's most recognized gray characters, who is good at

If Harley and Ivy still have their romantic relationship, toned down to 6-12 year old appropriate, I would be mighty impressed with DC.

Sounds like the start to an interesting sociology study.

There’s only one way to sway an antivaxxer.

Honestly, I feel like they should just chuck the entire premise and make it a post-apocalyptic film where Chris Pratt plays a Mad Max/Han Solo type, and has a pack of (mutant) raptors as his sidekicks. He travels across the wasteland, righting wrongs and scraping by.

My favorite thing is apparently the T-rex is the same one from the original. Somehow. Hope she gets to continue her history of stealth last minute heroics.

Ok, that is weird, but this trailer actually lowered my excitement, which was quite high. It seems clear by now that Bryce Dallas Howard’s character won’t be half as awesome as Ellie Sattler was, and why two boys? Was two female characters (like 1&2 had) too much movie? Jurassic Park had two great role-models for

This summer Chris Pratt is a “Rebel Without The Claws”

Am I a bad person because I started laughing like a lunatic when the pterosaurs started plucking people off the street?

You seem like a really nice guy.