
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that thinks The Dark Knight Returns is a terrible Batman book. It completely misses the point of his character.

I was hoping against hope that they would surprise everyone and introduce a WEIRD Batman. Let Superman be the serious one. I am *so* tired of Asshole Batman™.

When I watched it, I just knew you'd hate it. Heh.

Sweet! I wasn't the only one who thought this was Gwendolyne Christie. Something about the walk ...

Brienne as a mega-Stromtrooper?

Mentally pregnant

Souvlaki? That looks like gyro.

Who needs that many pickles?! Clearly that was that woman's first visit to planet earth.

YES! I have been refreshing Kitchenette for the last hour.

Well, I guess all we can do is Gwen and bear it.

Every season opener the last few seasons is like this. Just getting caught up with all the story lines and reminding people of characters and places that will be important this season. I recall a comment almost exactly like this after last years opener.

I am a robot. Beepboop. I would to inform people about how they can make lots of money working from home.

It's really surprising to me how eager people are to shit on this movie. I don't know about you all, but this scene and scenes like it aren't why I'm excited to see this movie. I'm excited to see scenes like this:

Am I the only one who thinks if anyone else read those lines other than Pratt, his character would seem really skeevy, grody, and inappropriate instead of bro-y, affable, and inappropriate?

Sorry, what were people expecting? We knew he was going to be a smart-ass dino tamer.

Why not? John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, and Harrison Ford played the same person for years and they're hollywood legends. Not every actor has to be an Oscar hunting, art house, chameleon-like darling like Daniel Day Lewis or Philip Seymour Hoffamn to be considered talented.

Every villain in this franchise not named "Loki" is pretty bland and generic. And even his villainous status is ambiguous at times. (Although some of the baddies in Winter Soldier weren't too bad.) To top it off, for the first real onscreen appearance of Thanos in GotG, Ronan basically gives him the finger and walks

Glad to hear Gillan will be back as Nebula. Karen was one of the brighter spots in an already great movie... she was also criminally underused. She really helped make that scene with Thanos and Ronan... "Thanks Dad"... Hilarious.

So from what I gather, this movie is something like a half-hour of setup/plot, followed by 90 minutes of chase through the apocalyptic desert while cars flip and explode non-stop.