

Oh... roses have never killed in the Game of Thrones?

That’s called negligence. Don’t own any more cat’s if YOU’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THEM.

We need shorts before all movies.

Unsolicited advice: Savor the moment. There’s always more to do. We’re nowhere near the finish line. But if you don’t celebrate the victories, you run out of energy for the fight.

Unfortunately it seems that Elysium, in other words Star Trek for a few and Mad Max for everyone else, is becoming the more likely scenario.

I’m introverted but not shy. I pick and choose carefully when and where I’m going to meet people. Once I’m there, I can joke with everyone, or tear up the dance floor, or make speeches to a large audience—whatever, no fear. Once it’s over though, I’m going home to sleep for 3 days because that’s how long the events

Clap clap clap. Perfect explanation.

I mean, it’s not new to this film, though. It’s a pretty significant part of Jurassic Park.

I swear all the male dinos are actually transgender in-universe thanks to African Bullfrog DNA :P

They didn’t know the sex at the time they wrote up the marketing...

It was explained that we all start off as biologically female before we’re born and only become male because of a specific mix of hormones. So just not giving the hormone and ensuring they’re all female is easier than giving them all the hormone and ensuring they’re all male. And in the end, making them all male

Perhaps it is the fault of the writer of the blurb not being that familiar with JP stuff and taking the, still sexist, usual assumption that male as the default?

Hahaha. Beer saves people from cancer!

(Even Britain has a claim—Charles Beer was working in Canada, but was a British scientist.)

Nicely done Schumer. I really like some of her skits. Besides being a baby factory, you also have the disgusting historical facts about parasites and disease infecting everyone including royalty. That was a truly revolting time to be alive.

Right? I love Narnia but to first learn that you will eventually be too old to get back? And then that everyone you loved freaking DIES? HEARTBREAKING. Those books taught me the beauty of ongoing continuity in story development. And how to hate books for being mean.

Wow. I tried talking my parents into doing that but they never would. I still want to visit PEI some day for that reason.

Anne of Green Gables. I wore that book out as well as the subsequent volumes. There is something comforting about the stories and the characters - they are so real and funny and imperfect. Plus, the descriptions of the locations are so perfect, I feel transported when I read them. I’ve loved them for years and re-read