
It was actually kind of scary in those moments when you realized it wasn't a joke, that people weren't trolling you. How could something you thought you saw so clearly, so objectively, be interpreted so differently?

On the contrary, I was fully expecting this scientific analysis here.

Shoot is Shaw and Root from Person of Interest

First Korrasami, then Shoot, now Clexa.


But why were belts around their necks?

i was thinking that as well while looking at these pictures. So many of the clothes looked like something from NY's fashion week. Even the hairstyles. And a lot of these people were photogenic, which was interesting. I"m not saying that i expected ugly people, just the average joe. Some of these kids could work

Vandermemes are the best.

You clearly don't understand how long games of that magnitude take to come out. It's not a 3 month project. It's years. We got the first 1/2 of Broken Age already while they're finishing up the last, so really they could have just held the entire thing till finish but they wanted us to have some fun in the mean time.

Broken Age came out.

I'm part of the unwashed masses that actually enjoyed Man of Steel and don't have a problem with Zack Snyder(who's not that deep, but treating him like Michael Bay in criticism bugs the hell out of me because there's a mile of difference between their styles and works), and yet, I saw exactly what you saw in that

I don't think people are ready to see dinosaurs with feathers. Would they look as scary, or would people be snickering thinking about giant rampaging chickens?

Serious question, why would feathers make them better. I understand from a scientific approach but I assume we are not using Jurassic Park as any kind or reference point for scientific accuracy.

A dream job is accurate; it's far too short before you wake up.

Continuing to pop out kids while in such a volatile industry/situation seems like a terrible idea as well. You know things could go south at any time and can barely afford to raise the kids you already have yet you continue to have more? Just putting more and more people through the wringer of moving constantly with

"He didn't just torment [H]arry though. Neville, too."

I'd love to send these articles to everyone that says, "Oh what a dream job!"

Sure, Snape was bullied when was a child, and that makes him sympathetic. He might even be a hero. He is certainly not a good person. He didn't just torment arry though. Neville, too. He was a terrible teacher that never seemed to explain to students what to do to get potions right. Harry had to find out about an

Snape's totally that guy that stays bitter because he "totally got friend-zoned, and he was SO nice to that girl but she had to run off with an asshole. Whatever, she's just a MUDBLOOD anyway."

I like Snape as a character, especially after his heroic plot twist in Deathly Hallows. Still, I'm not so sure that excuses all the vileness he's done, especially in his not-fake hatred of Harry. He genuinely hates the kid - probably because of his immense hatred of James Potter. Swore to protect him, and does, but