
V. True, my picky pooch is a turd vaccuum.

I have to say that pug is 100% accurate to my Boston Terrier. Never heard a peep from her when we lived in a high-rise, but as soon as we moved to a house where she can see trees and wildlife outside she’s become our feirce yappy guard.

Not mine. We have to rotate three different flavours because he’ll get sick of one and pick at it after a while.

I didn’t consider it would be part of a quest - I just thought the baby customizing was an added bonus for all us sliders whores who like to customize everything. Your spouse and baby die in twenty minutes but you know you’re going to spend an hour deciding what they look like!

No, if the genders would reversed and it was only women who died off screen and the only male death was a prolonged torturous death I would still be disturbed over the directors subconcious attitudes towards men.

The deaths in JP were obscurred - Muldoons was shot from behind foliage so all you really see is a raptor jump on him, bite down and move it’s head a bit while he made a screaming sound. Genaro was eaten by the rex in a move that likely killed him instantly. Eddie’s death was gruesome (and gave me nightmares when I

No, I’m saying we’re talking about the director’s story choices. The director made a clear choice of ‘lets have the pterodactyls toss her around, drop her in the water, half drown her and then have her swallowed alive by the moasasaurus. Let’s really focus on her suffering specifically.’ A good number of people died

She mentioned a bachelor party, no idea who’s.

You’re aware this is a movie staring characters. We’re not lamenting the FAKE CGI DINOSAURS killing her, we’re lamenting the DIRECTOR choosing to kill her in such an awful manner you socicopath

Dude what the fuck.

No, it’s a fun dinosaur movie made for people that love Jurassic Park.

I laughed the first time. I laughed the second time. I chuckled the third time. By the sixth time I was dead inside.

Yeah, I have an intense phobia of drowning so that whole sequence just plainly ruined the movie for me. It was straight up torture porn that added nothing to the film and clearly struck a nerve with a lot of people. Considering all the other deaths are quick, mostly off-screen and non-gratuitous (even if there was a

The most horrible part is SHE WAS STILL ALIVE. Half drowned and battered, but she would been deep in the throat when the Moas bit the pterodactyl. So she would suffocate inside the throat or get killed by the stomach acid.

And even the lawyer died in a ‘quick and painless enough that you don’t feel bad for laughing’ way. That poor girl wasn’t in the movie long enough for us to dislike her (unless the director has some issue about women in sunglasses who talk on phones so intense he assumes we all do and that is enough for us to hate

As a huge JP fan (my wedding was JP themed!) I enjoyed the movie and will likely never watch it again. It was a fun mix of ‘hey guys remember how awesome JP was?!’ and ‘hey guys you like those Sharktomonster Vs Crocdinogator movies?!’ The last 15 min were a fun combination of ‘WHAT’ and ‘FUCK YEAH’ I mean come on,

I hate it when movies have their entire story in the trailer too, but in the good old days the trailers were also interesting. The Ant-Man trailer is a few okay gags that get less and less funny over time and some punching scenes.

Nope never seen that one! Every movie I’ve seen in theaters has only had the second play in front of it.

It might be the theater I go to, but I’ve only seen the one. The problem is the movie is clearly trying to sell itself as comedy-action, but the trouble with repetitive jokes is they stop being funny the more you’re exposed to them. So the trailer’s had the opposite effect on me, where it’s been forced upon me so

No, I actually prefer going into a movie blind. But when you spam one singular trailer and offer nothing new after 6 months, it’s incredibly worrisome. It shows they have no confidence in their movie and hope that just by sheer repettion they can get people to watch the film.