

But the velociraptors are the helpful ones

I don’t know if mid 20’s is ‘young’ for an animal, the average non-sapian mammal seems to live to only 15-20 years

It may have fish paste (I have never seen a recipe that calls for actual fish and I make a ton of kimchi) but it’s not exactly horrible like eating live seafood or cooking them in poison.

Nah that’s all 80’s, current fashion just happens to be all about recycling the 80’s. It’s no more 2010’s than denim jackets or plaid shirts

Oh man, isn’t that the one where there’s a scene with her eating a man whole like a snake? I keep seeing that gif popping up places.

They are very much ‘experience over evidence’ type thinkers. You know, the type of people that think over-eating pasta giving them a stomach ache is actually a gluten allergy or that cleanses work because you stop shitting once you stop eating.

Yeah, it probably would be! I’m a big nature-loving hippie so I run into a LOT of these types who believe that anything that grows out of the earth is better than anything that’s ever touched metal. (Surprisingly a lot of them are anti-weed) A lot of anti-GMO, gluten-free, over-simplification of nature stuff. I put up

Haha, the store/clerk is still at fault here in this specific story - it’s likely that yes she was rando temp help but considering it was also a specific papercraft store and not, like, Target, then it’s the fault of the managers for not teaching her ‘this is the christmas cracker wall. These are the christmas

Oh those people aren’t on autism anymore, at least not the ones in my neck of the woods. Now it’s all ‘dead viruses are killing the immune system’ and ‘shedding the virus is making people sick’ and ‘chemicals are shortening the lifespan and decreasing quality of life.’

The big thing is, a lot of these folk tend to be

Alright, where’s the dude who was complaining about how we don’t have enough white male gay representation that I argued with last time? Here you go buddy.

See in your case that’s understandable because you never experienced Christmas crackers. The woman worked at a store selling a large selection of the products. That would be like working in a comic store and having no idea who Captain America is.

As a Canadian, half of your food items don’t even sound real. I know they’re English words and I understand them individually, but as food names they don’t make any damned sense.

Robots: For when you want R rated violence at a PG level

*gets in bathtub*

Even the animals that kill for sport don’t go out of their way to slaughter the equivilant of an entire herd. Knowing what a tracking device is and using it as bait would be learned behavior in even the smartest of animals and she wouldn’t be old enough for that sort of learned behavior. There’s acknowledging

Well they’re not really trained like the other clips implied - this trailer makes it pretty clear that they’re basically held back from attacking by the barest thread. There’s a shot of one attacking a soldier later, so it looks like that thread snaps pretty quickly.

Yeah, I feel the same. I’m a HUGE JP fan, my goddamn wedding was JP themed, and I was really, really excited for this but the whole ‘the dinosaur is super smart and is killing for shits and giggles and is so smart she not only knows what a tracker is but to remove it and use it as a trap bait’ angle is really really

I’m hoping this is supposed to be a clever meta comment about how they felt they needed to invent a monster dino to draw in movie audiences because just ‘dinosaur’ movies are boring now. So it can’t just be a ‘big cool’ dinosaur it also has to be a serial killer because that’s what the audience demands. And then

Ok so first I hated it on the ‘goddamit this is just a monster/serial killer movie’ hook, then I watched it again and thought about it and I’m hoping that it’s just silly marketing and not the actual plot. JP isn’t supposed to be about one monster, it’s about how a bunch of giant wild animals will fuck up your shit