
Plus you said gays don't reproduce/cannot have children, not 'have them at a lesser percentage'. I'd say probably 2/3 of gay couples will have biological children in some fashion.

Well yeah, but that has nothing to do with gayness and everything to do with minority-ness, we only make up like 8% of the population lol

Pregnant and gay, have many gay friends with biological children. We can't breed with our partners, but we still find ways.

I think it's good as a prevantative. Every undocked Boxer and Dane I know has had 'happy tail' syndrome and it can get infected and be dangerous for the dog.

Also it won't lead to 'designer' babies anymore than IVF or sperm donor babies. We're going through the sperm donor process right now, and get to make choices like what eye-colour and height genes we'd want to give our future kid.

Yeah, we totally do. I can say whatever I want about the government, about religions, about people and face no persecution. The difference is I can't say anything specifically hurt or hateful towards a particular group, and as a minority I'm so glad for that.

Meanwhile I sit happily in Canada where bigots can't run ads like this and everyone still enjoys free speech!

Haha, yes my anxiety is a completely seperate issue!

I carry really strong mints on me, the strong cold feeling really helps me register that my airways are clear and I'm a sillybilly, but I sometimes still need to take a benadryl to reassure myself.

I definetely suffer nocebo effects. I have a common food allergy, a couple legit serious incidents and anxiety, which have all combined themselves into an eating disorder. If I start to panic that I might've accidentally eaten my allergen I can actually feel my body respond to my panic. And even if I know it's

I know it's a joke, but that would actually just destroy the human race. Children under 3 are pretty much programmed to try and kill themselves

I didn't see Goonies until I was 28 so despite being a child of the late 80's it didn't resonate with me because I'm a)female, b)an adult and c) the overly stereotypical borderline racist acting of the japanese kid really brought me out of the movie.

Also the fact that Goonies is referenced so fucking much in pop

I doubt that will ever happen due to the fact that the character process, for either mo-cap or regular voice over, involves multiple people.

Haha, that food was no good for the human either if we're gonna get technical!

I would say that for any dog besides a Boston Terrier (the breed in the short). Those are some insanely energetic dogs, I've never in my life seen an even slightly obese one.

I'm actually pleased that Lego got snubbed. Not because I disliked it, I loved it, but because isn't it fantastic that there's enough good animated films out there that there actually is good animation TO be left out. I would be happy if any single one of those movies had gotten snubbed, but LEGO being snubbed is

I saw the first Hobbit movie at 48fps and it was terrible. Most of my peers seemed to like it, so I figured it was mostly just my eyes/brain. I'm a professional animator so I spend the majority of my life looking at 24fps or slower.

Ah, you're right. Boo. Stuff's always better with homos!

I love the book and musical equally for entirely seperate reasons. They're so goddamn different I don't even consider them the same story, since they aren't, just different adaptations. I would love a book Wicked tv mini series, I don't think a film could do it justice.

I'm pretty good at suspending disbelief for film, but I don't think even stoned out of my mind I could accept Menzel and Chenoweth as 18 year olds hahaha. Kristen said she'd love to graduate to playing Morrible in the movie though.