
Don't they hate each other now? I know they were roomies and besties for Glee s1 but I remember hearing offhand that apparently Lea became a huge diva and basically cut Dianna out. (although that was literally just something my wife told me that she likely saw on the pinterests so I have no idea if it's true, I

Is this video about how wonderfully trippy gay marriage is

As someone who's babysat plenty of young girls of all interests, the Lego Friends is obviously less an attempt to 'gender segregate' the female fans and more to capitalize on the 'I will only play with dolls and pink and super girly toys' kids.

Psst, it's called 'overlap'. A sci-fi/fantasy movie with a romance plot isn't suddenly 'not a sci-fi movie but a romance movie'

That's still a difference between modernizing an action and a technology. Obviously the glassware makes sense - Middle Earth has no IKEAs like you say. But, if we're going to overthink it, Middle Earth also ISN'T Earth and so certain actions don't have any cultural timeferame there like they do here. And also because

That's an oddly specific reason to hate it. I'm going to assume you were over 25 when the movie came out though, age affects how we care about insignificant things. I was 15 when it came out, so my simpler teenage brain thought it was funny and then onto the next cool bit.

I don't understand why people complain about this scene, it was utterly in Legolas' character. Dude is a smary, back-sassing showboater, of couse he's going to do shit like that.

Yeah, I like our system in my Canadian city. Midwives, which are covered by healthcare, are welcome into the birthing room and allowed to make choices in case the doctor is occupied (my SiL recently was given drugs to to stop her labour ONLY because the doctor was busy, which is appalling to me and one of the reasons

So I'm guessing Cruella's power is shapeshifting, and that's why she collects furs, she needs the skins to 'wear' when shifting

This is a great execution, but WOW stereotypical parental gender roles

I would in no way call this adorable and I would have to wonder on Hungarian film laws if there was maybe some behind-the-scenes animal cruelty or mistreatment to get that many dogs 'acting' ...

I want to know what's up with the leper scars on his face, he shouldn't look like a zombie. I like Joker designs where he's a clean-cut mobster, I miss those.

Agreed, the costuming is one of the reasons I started watching, it might be silly but it's pretty

Maybe Cruella is the brains of the operation, she loves bossing people around.

It's got a HUGE following, one of the top shows out there. Pinterest is absolutely infested with it.

I've always heard Gen X refer to the 90's, and my gen (born 1986, so main marketing power in the 2000's) as the Gen Y, and then everyone who's a teen now is a millenial, and now it's changed and I'm the millenial? It's so confusing. What's the teen demo called now then?

'wolves not dogs' is my hope for the raptors, and it sounds like that's the direction they're going. Where in the end they're wild animals with the ability to reason to not bite the hand that feeds, but ultimately will do what they want.

I think it's a very serious step that helps make people more aware, and society can only benefit from it. People have a huge misconception on food health and portion intake and having these numbers visible will help many people make informed choices. Sorry you have to read more.

It's a common misconception that healthy food = healthy body regardless of caloric intake, when excess calories from avocados and kale is just as bad for you as cheeseburgers. So I guess the system is lacking education is lobotomist doesn't even know that and thinks calories aren't related.

No, you were pretty clear on your point that it would 'take up space' and this is 'nannying', and learn to read tone dude, it wasn't a strawman it was sarcastic mockery.

And for your point on education: I'm a calorie counter, a health-food nut, hobby-nutrionist and pretty wellversed on the ways of whats I eat and even