Jacuzzi Jeff

WHAS: great source of local Jefferson County announcements of tornadoes and ice storms for the western Kentucky area. Sorry, every school is always closed but yours.

The ghost of Walter Matthau is here to teach Billy Bob Thornton what happens to rebooters?

I worked as a telemarketer who didn't know the hidden fees and things you don't have in your script or orientation. I thought it was a good product so I sold it to my regular bank teller one day as a favor. I eventually changed branches after he went off on me about how the free vacation put him out a few hundred on

Get back to work, Parker!

Harvey Birdman awaits Apache Chief's movie, thank you!

My best friend's cousin has mental illness. He drives a Zamboni in North Florida, has a van with a dragon on the side and watches Spawn on VHS (no more, no less) three times a day. Needless to say, he's amazing.

Please have dancing Orbach somewhere he deserves on there

I really want to know if the neighbor kid's dad ever comes back and what he's been doing during his long absence

When i was sixteen we organized a public radio show to showcase youth issues and charities, started a group to bury homeless people without family and made free meals and passed out bottled water for the first big immigration May marches when it was really hot. Cool kids still do these things. Tweeting about how

I grew up around a lot of coal people constantly screwed between polluting their water and keeping jobs. It's not hard to figure out who wasn't considering either of those options if you didn't know those people.

If you don't like it you can keep your juke box money!

The episode where Mrs Bighead kept trying to have sex with him for attention from her husband was really weird for a children's show.

You better know that aint the Lord's white chili because that's the world's chili


This is bad reporting. It's really his achievement ceremony for Spike Guy's Choice Awards: Best Telephone Beratement Of A Young Girl By Arrogant Man Award.
AV Club, bunch thoughtless little pigs.
Other nominees, Trump Election Staff, Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, Cosby Legal Team

My last two D&D friends (it's really like meeting a drug dealer where you make that weird eye contact and just know what's up) were a guy I worked with in an office and we liked to skateboard after work, next guy was in a tech shop/office and we liked to surf after work. Maybe this whole eye-to-eye thing isn't real

Upon hearing this news Allen burst out a mighty, "AAAAUUUGH!?"

Never trust Northern California. Not too sure what they're up to there. Bastards hide immigrants and put fries in their burritos. The real patriots down south just exploit them and keep it to simple fish tacos. Pick your battles.

Hey! You learn a crash and double kick drum routine and you too can make millions. Just gotta find some really talented people and well connected family members first, then back to the first thing.

Kind of reminds me of the underpants episode of South Park with the Cylons thinking "destroy everything, then…"