Jacuzzi Jeff

We know who's really in charge of this travesty… Gaius Fracking Baltar

Make Tiffany Marxist Again!

As a man who hits the OTB that may be the greatest goddamn match next to Man vs Astrovan

Better than two guys I knew who went on an LSD bender, one had to get glasses and the other got a speech impediment. Here's to the love of psychedelics! All I got was colors everywhere after a weekend in Yosemite

Wait, you got ten dead babies, bro?

My friend's band was on GWAR's podcast recently and I couldn't help but think of Empire Records. Such a great time capsule of a movie. Plus, who could forget Sexy Rexy

The Papa wants another on-field kiss

I worked at an Arby's in high school where my coworker sold large amounts of weed in orders right over the counter. He eventually got caught by the manager because his customers would constantly leave their food at the counter and just take the weed out so it became apparent when one employee's register always had

Or Magnolia for that matter!

The drinks weren't the only thing malted in that soda shop if ya catch my drift…

If there was another traumatic experience with a black sexual ghost I'd be concerned for him but I think it was limited to shirtless, intense expressioned Steve Harvey in jeans.

Is it one of the funny sleepover movies or the extremely dark detective agency ones?

My little brother was about 8 and I stumbled upon a blog that only had "sexy" shirtless photos of Steve Harvey and I thought it would be funny to replace all icons, backgrounds and screensavers with those photos. The next day my Mom had a talk with me because it scared him thinking there was some sexual black ghost in

No joke on you but your name and bite at the drink rule is funny. I've worked both comedy clubs and NPR so I can understand when you pay upfront for something great or terrible depending on the quality of that year. Some years I want my NPR money back.

According to the TV listings, Veep is off this week. Maybe it's a mistake

Don't knock the two drink minimum. Like expensive popcorn at the theaters that policy keeps the lights on. Nothing is worse than the person who goes to one comedy show in their life because the person was just in a movie or sitcom and freaks out about the drink minimum.

The Patton Oswalt standing around in the background episode is classic if you haven't seen it.

It not even that it's plainly wrong, but that even the term and idea of "house n****" is racist upon racist takes his use of it as a pompous white holier-than-thou comedian to a whole new level of arrogance and idiocy.

I really want Adam Driver to have the super serious look and Hitler 'stache one of the brothers of Sparks had. It was such a weird look when the other was really glam. Nevermind, give Michelle Williams the moustache and crazy eyes.

Three degrees of Lena Dunham. Tiny Furniture, Tiny World