Jacuzzi Jeff

Don't bring Kevin James into this. I enjoy his line of supplements "The King of Vitamins"

Not to get too into it but white chili is the best chili. (unless it's winter then venison chili is supreme with some hot cider or stout)

Principal Belding has tried for years. It only resulted in Screech stabbing someone while Slater became a network TV star.

Hyyyykvrok is giving away infinite worlds to those whose screams cause madness in all those who hear and mere presence defies all concept of reason. In the last four weeks I've been told I have all the qualities for becoming a god and I didn't even finish city college! Follow the mass of corpses and you'll see what

Said Barron to the ghost

The Wayans Brothers have a new masterpiece

I'd make a drinking game to watch a HLN Nancy Grace New Year's Eve to take a shot everytime she became flabbergasted by a mild statement. We're all dead before midnight.

I remember watching trailers in an empty theater and going into a guitar shop or record store and Scott Weiland was there. He lives forever on CD-ROM!!!

You'd eventually lose function from most of your body from forever doing windmills in a crab stance while pummeling your fingers to death on an endless arpeggio solo. That's part of the lease agreement on a blood flowing house. You don't wanna know what happens with the HOA

Good Lord, you're one of the chosen steakmasters. I always do butter on the steaks with all the fixings covered and everyone says it's the greatest thing ever. Never tell them that they now have the cholesterol of Dom DeLuise.

It'll be released through those 90's CD-ROM games you'd get with a record or in the mail (maybe from Virgin?). You'd go through a virtual town where every place would lead to some interview or unplugged bit with Stone Temple Pilots, Bush, Hole or something equivalent for the time. Totally rad at the time for my mid

This coming from a guy who bought a shitty house in New Jersey just for the blood flowing walls

Only if you run out of lobster. The horror.

It really got ruined when instead of telling you what song you were hearing on tv instead directed you to that show. So if you were flipping channels and heard something you liked it would just send you to a terrible CBS show.

I hope Marvel has better luck than my local Six Flags where the Superman ride had a cable snap and severed a young girl's legs. It was a big part of shutting down the park for about a decade which gave the town a weirdly decorated dead zone of like 100 acres or more in the middle of town.

How many buttons released before boys drop their jaws and licensed soundtrack starts?

Gotta shake up your Chobani first to get the best experience. By the way, the whole deal is divided between the majesty of blueberry and peach Chobani. People like Hamilton Nolan at Gawker talk shit about Chobani saying it's not good yogurt and I say, "Fuck you and stay out of my kitchen and workplace ya hipster elite

Multiple holes in shower stalls, Porky's protects.

Along with two other other guys, I received detention for weeks because we figured out the school had used Adobe to make one of the hands holding up our state championship trophy black from white because we had the original. We were told that we were hurting school spirit by telling the true story. Such a weird

There needs to be a general rule that you can't have polarizing political people other than the president speak at graduations. Rachel Maddow and Tucker Carlson will make half the crowd walk out because college kids are super enthusiastic about their politics. So, why not make it an engineer or someone that isn't