Jacuzzi Jeff

Naw dawg, you must be talking about Cincinnati or southern Indiana. Kentucky has everything you want, beautiful horses and fast women. Also enough meth, booze and gambling to keep a person occupied for a very short lifetime.

Y'all tryin to turn Kentucky from Flexington into Lexghanistan when you knock down the pride of the south.


I was a kid when I saw Taking Back Sunday's singer in Chicago do the spinning microphone wrapped around his neck about 20 feet and thought it was amazing. I probably would have thought the same thing with Diamond Dave in the 80s but also seeing Brand New at Lollapalooza was awesome for stage antics.

There was more than one drink dad with glitter on their face by the end. You got the image down pat

Family friend and I was told to ask her. The glitter was mine

This is entirely why so many wealthy or famous people become really eccentric in bad ways, because if all you hear are positive comments from people who work for you or depend on you, you're gonna end up thinking every bad outfit or home decor decision is amazing. Case in point: I invited my super powerful boss to my

The Therapist would be a lot more interesting to more people if it wasn't nearly all rappers. There's a lot more diversity out there for people happy to be on Vice than such a narrow focus.

Beat me to it. This may actually be the time that is in fact a 500lb man on his bed in New Jersey

High school working at Arby's has created a horrible reaction to the mention of horsey sauce or bacon, beef 'n' cheddar. If you saw what happened back there, you'd never sleep again. Small bit: we'd drop slippery roast beef on the ground in a hurry because we forgot to put them in the microwave, wash them in the sink

The Los Angeles ad for the DC ride where you shoot laser guns at a giant Joker looked more terrifying. Last DC ride I remember was when a girl had both legs severed by Superman in Kentucky

Are we talking about Sigourney Weaver? It's far too early for Thanksgiving jokes

probably too late to ask if the blood flowing walls are included

I've seen a few older guys at the beach in the morning before work wearing a shirt that just says "Trump Don't Surf" and it's so dumb yet funny in my opinion.

Lol there's a Mexican restaurant in Southern California that every president since Nixon has visited and even catered the White House more than once. I was there not long ago and asked them if they thought Trump would keep up the tradition and one guy shrugged and another laughed. They don't serve taco bowls

Closely followed by the snack cart

It's pretty depressing to think of how much his supporters think PBS, NPR and even libraries are a waste of money. I've heard supporters say, "Why have libraries when everything's online anyway?" That's so stupid when you consider archives, educational events and readings, access to the internet! for poor people, and

Lets just hope he tips the caddies. Carrying bags for low level executives all summer who made me go for all their pond and swamp balls without payment made me insane. Good golfers and members always tipped to make me a scuba diver

Best parody porn joke I remember was maybe Lord of the G-Strings when drunk Gandalf kept hiccuping asking someone if they'd "Ever played pull the taffy with a very old man."