Jacuzzi Jeff

You'll cause a grievin-mother ruckus!

What? Can't a guy just tell ya your tits look great today and give you a hotel key?

Bannon looks like the red faced uncle who hits on your girlfriend when visiting on holidays. Smells a bit like whiskey, cough drops and Marlboro lights

The cult of personality is out of control especially with Fox. People I know will love Gretchen, Meghan, Greta, etc., but when they jump ship it's completely "fuck them!" It's crazy to see these deities for conservatives in an instant become pariahs for leaving the mothership when they were paid less or harassed.

The fact that it's based upon Fight Club and porn is pretty telling of what type of guy loves using those terms. I mean Fred Durst references Fight Club (having "watched it 28 times!").

Cuck'd by that damn Arts & Food section of the Sunday Times. Don't even get me started on the Travel and Culture demons let alone that pit of hell that is the crossword.

Damned if my online dating profile hasn't been responded to with my likes being "C-SPAN and Doctor Who" maybe they'll like my criterion DVDs and collection of first edition books! I'll show that football captain who beat me for class president and had a bunch of kids in college!!!

I wish there was a "I have no idea nor do I wish to know what's going on here" button for all the stuff my younger siblings send me from ridiculous festivals.

Damn, yesterday I was in love. But what happens at 10:15 tonight?

Learning Ridley Scott is worried about xenomorphs on a 600 person set with a 9mm pistol is pretty informative. The More You Know!

Sorry, I figured you meant Supercuts and I wished to mention my father's horrified face when a very dramatic hairdresser who liked to dance around like Sam Rockwell or Christopher Walken while he cut hair snipped my ear to where it bled profusely and I had to get stitches. Never been a fan of any type of supercut

Clearly a plot from Wheels Ontario with Coach Teacher Gene Creemers worried all the kids are gonna commit the act of self harm to the point of self death.

Two words: Piña Coladaburg

The sex scene was hilarious. That's all I have to say.

Their special nights where a Hollywood figure chooses their favorite movies is pretty awesome. The little bits between movies where they explain why some John Huston or Kurasawa is so important to them is great. I love too when it's kind of a shitty or lesser celebrated movie than others from the maker just to hear

Lol I remember when they created MTV2 for the purpose of showing videos then they just decided, "Fuck it, the world needs more reality shows and marathons of Martin and Wayans Brothers." At least at one point in the early years they had funny original comedies like Human Giant and Wonder Showzen but then they decided

My sister worked in legal for a few different networks vetting reality show folks and I remember her saying her love life was nil because of all the amateur porn and sex tapes she had to watch all day to verify it was some potential contestant had numbed her inklings to date. Also there were a lot of existing shows

And bros yelling at haunted empty rooms with thermal cameras shows. You've never seen a more headstrong, roided out guy yell at a creaky chair/door/floorboard/desk in your life!

I always enjoyed The First 48 because a lot of episodes took place in my hometown and I'd watch it with friends thinking we knew our city pretty well but then we'd say "Where the fuck is 128th street? I thought it only went up to 40th." Crime shows exist to remind you how small your perception of a city is.

I grew up visiting King's Island and all I remember was the Eiffel tower, the Outer Limits ride and how many people died there