Jacuzzi Jeff

I met Katie Sackoff at ComicCon and it was magical. Some guy had her sign some picture from the Longmire set. Who would've guessed someone went specifically because of that show. He'd never even seen Battlestar Galactica but damned if he didn't enjoy a small town sheriff and the various characters in his crime ridden

I'd go if only to hear Tigh say "Gaius Fracking Baltar!" one more time

Where's Carmen San Diego when you need her, GUMSHOE!?

Generally I'm kind of a food snob but we all have vices. If I'm broke and drunk at 2am you know it's time for McNuggets. Take away all the gastro pubs, fusion restaurants and fresh caught seafood trendy places and I'm fine, but damned if you take away my cheap drunk nuggets which taste the same all over our great

"techno-dystopian Playplace" could either be a Philip K Dick short story or just something Werner Herzog says in casual conversation.

Having worked on so many of them, your name makes me laugh. I was brought to tears as a young punk teen by angry old women who were so pissed we asked them if they wanted to pledge again the following year. You do not call old ladies about NPR. They will shred you to pieces.

Just add it to my list of feeling old with my U2 show and Numero records pop up store this year. Still a badass though

His books are kind of funny how heavily they're ghost written. I know the writer through my brother and he definitely did everything with O'Reilly just saying certain stuff was bullshit (editing). He's such a joke with all those "Killing" books but it made the other guy a ton of money when he was working mainly as an

Talking to some die hard O'Reilly supporters and having worked in the game in the past he's not unemployed in the slightest. There are so many outlets, be it satellite or start-up cable channels, ready to snatch up that Bill O'Reilly talent no matter how many wives he drags down the stairs.

Gorillaz at the Forum will be so awesome. Rather see them in Quebec or Chicago but ya gotta be where ya gotta be. Wish Blur could open.


It's A Wonderful Life. Every fucking Christmas along with a dinner at a terrible Italian dinner at my dad's favorite restaurant. Tasteless sauce for an excruciatingly bland film.

Sorry, trying to be a rebel and letting my high school girlfriend talk me into trying bad cocaine for the first time watching an even worse horror movie has to be the worst. I think it was The Hills Have Eyes

I worked with him at a comedy club one week and he is definitely top five nicest comics to not just work with but just hang out in the green room too. So many are secretly assholes who put on a show. He's literally just being himself all the time.

AV Club: you know you're thinking about your comments before the article loads

If Nazi themes get more people to hate furries then I'm OK with it. I was living in Flagstaff a few years ago on Halloween and there were a bunch of furries trying to dance with kids and give them candy. It could have been innocent but the month before a big furry orgy was advertised all over town to take place in the

The only time I'd ever order flavored whisky is if a comic book character was on the label because I'm a man dammit.

Damn it! He's duped us again!

Wait? You know Gilbert Gottfried too!?

Lorne Michaels sits in a massive office at 30 Rock amassing "new" material like Kingpin in DC Comics. He cares not but for the mighty who he will crush.