Jacuzzi Jeff

Is that Bonnie Prince Billy?

The stripper store is called Triangles and it's in South Scottsdale near Tempe. If you're nearby I highly suggest DiFalcos Italian Grocery for the best pizza outside of Bianco's. Don't to the Papa for food

Ski Nazis Must Die!

The true gem would be a one off Herzog movie about Darth Vader's descent into MADNESS

That's my favorite thing to do on planes. Passive aggressively get my anger out by seeing how loudly and often I can fart before someone notices. I used to do that on the train and once it smelled so bad and was so loud some poor woman turned around and said, "Oh my God!" and got off at the next stop. Now it's just

It's kind of like Pete Holmes' character on Crashing where all the struggling comics hate him for doing a handful of open mics then being a network TV warm up and doing gigs with the biggest comics. At least that show is a straightforward joke on that. Girls takes itself seriously and that storyline is ridiculous. I

Ultimate custody power move, take the rascals to space WHERE THERE ARE NO LAWS!

"Knock, knock, who's there? Skinz, let em in…"

Best chain I've seen is a Papa John's in Scottsdale AZ. It sits in a three store strip mall. To the left is a strip club and to the right is the stripper clothes store with a suggestive name. Whenever you pass it at night there's usually two bouncers and at least one girl in her outfit eating a slice on the sidewalk.

Heck yeah he did. Glad someone else got to enjoy that little guy.

This Easter I'll be celebrating the man who died for our sins…Paul Walker

I want a Mulholland Drive remake starring the Fast and Furious cast. The murdered girlfriend is CGI Paul Walker

My dad was a true company man and worked corporate for a bunch of food companies over his career. If it was gameday we had Pizza Hut, soda was always Pepsi, etc. Best part ever was when Taco Bell had a big promo for N64 and the rerelease of Star Wars the company gave him a box with all of the toys and shirts. Damned

It's not amazing but it's got amazing merits, Blaze Pizza is pretty awesome for two reasons. 1. Unlimited toppings including artichoke hearts and olives which you can't get elsewhere. 2. Last time I was there I saw three types of lemonade in those running dispensers you find at taquerias that give you the impression

It's impossible. There will always be a racist Uber driver, barber, boss, etc that more or less have you trapped after saying something terrible but you still require their services for the time. It's shitty but I wouldn't get out of a cab or leave a haircut halfway through just because the guy says something about

Weirdly I've seen more Nazis around suburban Southern California a la American History X and surfers than I ever did growing up in a deep South city as a kid. They were definitely out in the counties and terrible meth and oxy places but not so much in the cities. I go skate or surf out here and you'll see some sketchy

As long as there's guys buying their first record at Hot Topic before putting their acoustic guitar in the closet a few years later, Bob Marley's Legend will sell forever.

Super fun French dude I went to school with overseas shouted out to some skinhead guy on the subway in Europe because he had an 88 tattoo. Had no clue what it it was and in a super thick accent he educated me, "88! Heil Hitler!" I immediately noticed that it was all over western Europe with graffiti. I felt so dumb

And God impregnated some poor woman cuz like 'fuck it, let's make some dude who's a dick to everyone then gets tortured and dies.' I think that's what we recite from Luke every Christmas during Church. Doesn't matter your faith, he was totally that guy who saw you bummed out over a breakup and offered you a slice of

Upvoted for an amazing avatar. I was just thinking about screen printing a North Skakota shirt this morning. Luckily my high school's cheering section was called The Rage Cage and we got to make overly specific Delocated shirts for our rivalry games. Maybe ten people got the joke but we sold a bunch of shirts