Jacuzzi Jeff

No, it's John Lennon driving and they're preparing to jump the Grand Canyon

Same for Counterstrike 1.5. That shit got crazy awesome. Key was kill all hostages or throw the bomb behind some crates, don't tell anyone, run Prince through your mic and see how far you can get with only a knife and Mac-10.

I remember my friends and I just quoting the foot soldier guy who just said, "This is Jimmy" or the the Protoss guy who yelled, "My life for hire!". No clue if that's what they said for certain but that's what we thought it was.

This person gets it. They get all the vespene gas and pylons

I remember riding my GT Mach 1 BMX bike to my friend's house when he sent all of his Zerg overlords over my base and went against me thinking it was funny. Punched the guy in the face over StarCraft like a man! I couldn't see shit. Total dick move.

But will there be additional pylons?


I just hear Steve Brule's voice yelling, "Gotcha! You hucksters! Ain't gonna get me!"

When he gets here I'll remind him him to, "Get back to work, Parker!"

Artie as host from Pete and Pete or this reunion isnt worth it. I only wish to see the strongest man in the world.

Depending on your age, I think everyone had at least one really embarrassing AIM name. One was skateboard related and another literary. All email has been my legal name in a professional way ever since. "Jeff.Jacuzzi@HotTubSociety.org"

Son of a bitch…where will old bosses who thought we were best buds and newly single ex-girlfriends message me now while I'm wondering why Hulu is still charging me months after my subscription was cancelled, a co-worker sends a tasteless email or my dentist reminds me I don't go enough because I'm afraid of him.

I remember my first big bragging job at a radio station working and hosting a show. We went on our break and given a date to come back. When we all showed up our security badges didn't work and neither the station director or anyone to answer our questions could be reached in meetings from dawn to dusk. It was the

Look at all the Native Americans there! Proud day for jobs!

You keep your stuff public and make your pictures only stuff other people looking to date want to see. I don't want to see just your dog, but if it's you in a swimsuit cuddling the dog it says, "I'm sexy and adorable." I don't give a damn about your trip home to Indiana but you seeing Tiesto in Cabo San Lucas? This

It's so weird with the Instagram meat market. My brother and sister met their partners on Instagram. Fuck that nonsense. They make it out to be the new normal and find meeting people any other way odd. A similar divide was hearing how they were blown away at a concert where the musicians were classically trained and

I don't mean to sound like an old man but his appeal is completely lost on me. The cover band thing and getting knocked for basically ripping off a TLC song is awful.

Can I get a Home Improvement

A single tear rolls down the face of the man who goes in back to turn off the bathroom tape recorders for the last time.

Dawg, I still get in on Time Crisis 2 any day they don't have Die Hard