Jacuzzi Jeff

I feel conflicted because they didn't have my charger but they did have an obstacle course to play with drones. You can fail me on my main mission but damned if you can't win me over with shit to play around with for free.

"The Rainbow Connection" bit definitely kept the dark humor of the show alive despite all the truly horrific things that happened in this episode. The trapped in walls or concrete floors thing is so gruesome thinking of your chest losing its expansion while you wait to die in complete paralysis is terrifying. The show

With Mike O'Brien getting his own full network gig I don't know if the show can keep going as strong. He wasn't the main part of the crew but his episodes were so unique for what makes this show awesome.

I would hope I'm not the only 20-something or early thirties person here who got turned onto VU as a kid by watching Flip Skateboards' "Sorry" on VHS in someone's basement. That same video got me into Iggy Pop and DC punk/hardcore and basically got us all to eliminate the tone on our first guitars and end our parents'

I want a Cricket spin-off but make it a procedural where he solves mysteries by seeing things no one else can with his one milky eye.

Look for white people with bandanas giggling at ramen restaurants.

Even Viceland was pretty good but now it's infomercials at night, syndicated shows, in my opinion an awful talk show, then a bunch of stuff about weed with a few good things sprinkled in between. It started out so awesome but I think they ran out of material and advertising

God bless you

It happened so fast no one knew it. I remember when the commercials came and we were all confused.

Lol I had a neighbor in college that had never smoked anything, drank anything or slept with someone in his life. He asked me to buy him some pot and whiskey and he went on to be blasted for nearly a year on a nonstop bender. Not a handsome or interesting guy but he walked away with a degree, job and stunning wife.

It means his fabulous soul wanted FREEDOM!!! (Or years of drinking, drugs and smoking killed his vital organs)

Hopefully your town has a grand theater showing classics from time to time. We had The Palace in Kentucky then The Orpheum in Phoenix and I'm lucky enough to have one barely surviving a stone's throw from the beach in Southern California. Never let their festivals or special showing pass you up because it really feels

He had that perfect old man quality where he kept his virility and enthusiasm from stuff that happened half a century and more ago. He reminded me of my grandfather. My dad's father didn't have that spark but my mom's dad definitely had the "Come on over, have a drink. Someone put on the music. Let's have a cigar. Let

At least we'll still get the guest programming nights. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about films and Osborne usually played stuff I knew with unknown backstory and anecdotes but the guest nights almost always introduce me to something new with great introductions. So many great channels change like IFC

I liked to put several dollars into the jukebox and play the "Waffle House Birthday Song" over and over when I left. Also, fuck Denny's their waitresses always steal your cigarettes and their patty melts suck.

By your handle and comment I'd love to think of Agent Cooper driving around listening to metal instead of David Lynch muzak.

Top 3 over-the-top metal genres:
Opera Metal
Battle Metal
Bruckheimer Metal

Hands down best metal show I've seen was Gorgoroth at a festival held at one of those closed insane asylums you see on dumb haunting shows. They went on right after a not too outright Christian metal band and started their set with tearing up and stomping a Bible while declaring, "Fuck you and your book of lies!" then

Like when dogs always run away when the door is open and the family thinks it's just cuz. It's not when the dog has been with you for years. It's you.