Jacuzzi Jeff

The main travesty in this most esteemed room is that it's all now off white and gold. It looks like a bad episode of Dynasty or my grandparents' house in Encino that was never renovated from 1980. Jesus, there is no flare or color contrast in that hideous room.

Mine came full at 13. At first it was awesome but then I watched those discount razor ads like a man who needed rogaine or viagra because meeting clients meant shaving in the morning and at 3pm. Razors cost more than most smoking habits.

It's all to scare Parker back to work. JK Simmons takes his shirt off and yells about pictures of Spider-Man
Great power-play

He left New York to become an angry prospector with Paul Schafer cheering him on the whole time.

I wrote a screenplay about him in college. One girl was really upset by it. It was about him saving his town with his wizard and nymph decorated van which is a true detail for this incredible Zamboni driver in Florida.

I will sincerely miss his rich presence and speaking voice giving tidbits about old Hollywood and its history. His interviews were awesome too. Us cinephiles really lost a great today.

Clearly Batman isn't mentally capable enough to know, that when everyone has guns, the world is safe. Pure dumb old Batman if you'll have him.

John Leguizamo or GTFO. My best friend has an autistic cousin who drives a Zamboni in Florida and starts everyday watching Spawn on VHS despite its depleting quality. Now that's fan devotion.

Dammit, I just posted this to see you beat me first. "Business is closed!!!"
*And now I see someone got that quote too.
The AV Club: where if you don't ignore your family and friends you'll miss a pop culture joke opportunity. Shouldn't have gone out for Nana's pills

I met him working years in comedy clubs and he's pretty low key and friendly when he's off stage. But damned if he never took every drink and drug put in front of him. He got up on a bar top after work and just roasted everyone in sight. It is a true talent to talk shit to nightclub meatheads and be thanked for it.

My middle school yearbook had a back section parents made with early photos and a little message for the departing 8th graders. My parents put a baby photo of me dressed as a pirate with the line, "A pirate looks at 14." My friends still make fun of me whenever we hear Jimmy Buffet at a bar or restaurant.

That's why Deadpool is so awesome. Between chaos and violence there's time to do things like make 372,844 pancakes and call it a victory. But where's all my shut-ins with speech impediments here to ask how Deadpool could fight someone with the power cosmic? Calling all virgins!

When Ryan Reynolds fights Wolverine the real loser is the Commonwealth of Canada. Or should I say hoser


I'd rather it be movies like First Kid and Blank Check when they'd have a kid eating candy for breakfast and breakin' all the rules to Snap's "I Got The Power" while a black actor as in Sinbad or Tone Loc looks on with his jaw dropped thinking "When is this white kid gonna run out of rules to break? Mass murder?

Who said I voted for cat piss? I'm a dog shit man.

She's a total Miranda. Why were they even friends with her? The other three had their merits to make a fun time. Miranda seemed to exist purely as a total bummer. Picking between the two candidates was like when you really really want ice cream and your favorites are out and what's left is dog shit and cat piss.

I'm a pretty polite person so I always just try to end the discussion without argument or simply say that's not my viewpoint but more often than not they respond like you just invaded their dojo in a really weird way. I get the same attitude when someone brings up threats to Christians to justify my liberal nonsense

I wonder if anyone else in history has said those same words.

He would just become another Boris Johnson or Marine Le Pen overseas. When someone's shitty and ambitious there's no limit to their potential.