Jacuzzi Jeff

Archie's naivety to Dylan and Josephine Baker plus he doesn't know music notation is pretty off putting for people who played music and sports in school. He comes off like the dude who was really into Creed and thought Eddie Vedder was the deepest poet of our time. I like the show, I just wish the musicians were more

You speak like this isn't a dream situation. I take your pizza hiking boots and raise you a taco bolo tie, nay! Chicago Italian beef ordering Jodhpurs!

I studied so-called French and Russian philosophy, said, "Fuck it", and bought a bottle of Wild Turkey because that's all a man needs to overcome his childhood demons. Who needs that bullshit when you got sourmash and repressed anger?

Leave it to an indie festival to punish bands in a really passive aggressive way. Metal and hip hop fests would talk trash to your face. Don't give me that Iron and Wine break up shit when you're deporting me and kicking me out of a hotel.

Trump's administration song should be Jefferson Starship's"Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" in the stylings of Barron and Tiffany Trump.

Southern by birth, drunk by the grace of God.

Do you need to state you're drunk if it's a constant activity? Believe me, it's possible, I had a severely underpaid five hour radio block for years switching between indie music shows and spoken word pieces. Bourbon makes the time go by.

I know you are but what am I!?
*our current state of politics*

If only a significant amount of people didn't want to hear about gun politics from Kim Kardashian and Amy Schumer that a company would hire them for it.

The Faye Dunaway story throwing piss in his face on the Chinatown set is probably my favorite film school story.

Phoenix really has an awesome film scene with Harkins and Filmbar. Camelview was a huge loss in Scottsdale. It seems like an odd place for a special place for movie houses but it really is.

To quote the cafeteria of my all guys Catholic school, "OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Those sets were so awesome! So glad you posted that link. Thanks.

Tim Kasher, Grandaddy, Mount Eerie? Is this my high school dream when I'm finding gray in my hair brush!? I'll take it!!!

If it includes the alien Lego sets I'm stoked. I built them all and that shit was not easy for a kid. Plus, the clear-green pieces were badass.

And his brother Butch

I went there and it was almost entirely rich college or trust funders who don't even listen to music other than a soundtrack at a club or some Spotify shit. The crowd was miserable. I can't believe it wasn't so long ago that you'd save all your crap job money to see your favorite bands and not just dance around like

Edit: it would be cooler if there were kids named Sasquatch

Coachella is making $2,500 a week from home as a single mom and so can you! Just email Coachella and start your new life Coachella'ing with Coachella as a single mom!

In high school I worked in a nursing home. The nicest people passed peacefully at an early-ish age while the angry people lived on by the energy of pure hate. It sounds awful but we had a box full of dollars for Mrs. Katz for each time she did said something awful or threw something at you that we would use for booze