Jacuzzi Jeff

While I think La La Land deserved best picture there's no way in hell Emma Stone gets Best Actress

This reminds me of my college days working in a really expensive restaurant trying to answer the question, "Is the sauce a real saucy sauce?" I still don't know the answer.

And that's sober Tweedy…

Squeeze him into the In Memoriam or have Tom Hanks rush the stage to say, "All these dead people were great but Paxton's the greatest of all time!"

I heard he sent them all gold plated Sony MDR-7506's with a note saying, "Here's something exquisite and gold, maybe you can return the favor." Gold Sony's for the discerning mixer in favor of industry standard monitor headsets.

I'd feel pretty intimidated as a non-star journalist or government worker to really take any serious jabs at him. Before he was just a businessman but now he could take the opportunity to make lists and enemies with real consequences. He's been a powerful man with thin skin, now he's THE powerful man with a thin skin.

* Looks down at little Xavier fallen out of his chair. Feels bad. Puts him back *

Then we'd lose a whole day of Fox replaying the unamerican acceptance speeches!!!

That's what the sore loser would say when he lost in Mortal Kombat as a kid. "Yeah, I was tired of winning so I let you have that one. I never play as Jax anyway. He sucks."

Lock them up! Dammit, they've escaped!!!

The day U2 died was the morning The Edge woke up and thought, "Cowboy hat? That could be cool…" Or when he decided that effect pedals were more important than actual playing. He was so bad in the doc It Might Get Loud explaining to Jimmy Page and Jack White that most of his songs are super simple riffs or just a few

As a comic book fan it always freaks me out when I see a truck with a Punisher skull and a gun rack wondering if they just think it's cool or they actually identify with the Punisher.

Knowing what it's like to see a feminine kid forced into a boys' locker room in school dressed in regular clothes, I could only imagine someone dressed in girls' clothes stuck in that same locker room just wanting to change or use the bathroom and getting stomped or their face bashed in.

I remember the show as as a kid and it seemed so awkward and uncomfortable. I couldn't figure out if he was making a stand or a paycheck or both.

Typecast romantic interest

Lol his best catch phrase may come from that movie. He locks and loads in front of his daughter, smiles and says, "Daddy's gotta go to work."

Why ruin one of the greatest series of all time for you? And why would you ever have Rock movie without some Jabroni ass kicking? *raises hand* IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!

Still, he's good for a poke

He definitely comes off insanely sarcastic and full of rage when not playing a silly character. Maybe that's his balance.

I wasn't thinking guy at first. This is the second time today I've seen that picture and thought it was something about a new Pink album.