Jacuzzi Jeff

Haha he actually looked like a coked out Kyle Gass from Tenacious D. Just the kind of guy who owned two McLaren's (he liked to remind even the interns about) and his best friend was an angry 5 foot nothing guy who had two matching McClaren's and a 6 foot 2" Playboy wife he had to show you pictures of. I just wanted

Say all day what you want about who has the best pizza, burger, BBQ, etc. There are few things in my mind that can't be beat off the coast. Fish tacos, oysters, and crawfish bakes to start covering the west, south and new england favorites of mine. Add BC for oysters and lobster is good everywhere but best when you

If The Skin That I Live In and Irreversible don't count as horrors I'll be disappointed

Glad to see this movie too on the top three. The giant guy creeping through the door scared me probably more than since I saw The Thing as a kid. I'd been stuck on Japanese and Korean scare flicks until I saw It Follows.

His monologues about how he's gonna have a beer, and then another beer, and then a shotta tequila, then some more beer are frequently cited when joking about classic wrestling with childhood friends. That and no one ever notices Sting repelling from the rafters with his music playing and a spotlight on him. Almost

You know he'd use a wasp knife for dramatic effect.

Stone Cold is a cyborg!? No wonder a cage can't hold him!

Sean Spicer getting agitated and declaring the president doesn't own a robe was pretty funny. If the encyclopedia has a picture for a bathrobe it's a guy that looks like Trump on Sunday trying to get Barron to make the TV work.

He reminds me of an old boss I had who was barely around. He asked me one day if I knew what he did for a living. I responded, "Well I know you were a surgeon and invented a new heart valve then became involved in investing…" He interrupted me and said, "I make fucking money. That's what the fuck I do." It was so

I went to a Catholic school where a lot of the teachers couldn't get public school jobs or even went to college. I had two different teachers pass out in the bathroom and their desk from "exhaustion". The priest reeked of bourbon and liked to find me in the cafeteria at lunch to give me shoulder rubs and ask how my

I worked on a local TV channel (emphasis on local) telling stories about town history and also stuff like "the man who trains abused dogs to dance!" I was sober maybe twice and still won the station's broadcasting award. It still was a really shit show.

He would definitely be that guy in The Thing who becomes the horrifying shrieking spider.

Steve Bannon looks like the dad who makes his kid walk home after missing the touchdown in peewee football.

Heeeere and my orange aaaaarm….

That's one damn fined ape

I can't be the first person to believe Barron Trump rides around in a suit on a tricycle wearing Beats headphones listening to Moby's Play album to keep out the world.

knowing a lot of racist bigots throughout my life it's usually not shame but rather getting your ass kicked. Getting yelled at by a black person is much less a fear by racists than finally getting their teeth kicked in by a black person when hens come home to roost.

He would just say the person had no sense of humor and name all the people of color he knows who are great friends.

He's already said he could shoot someone in the street without losing support. I doubt using a racial slur is one of his worries.

And here I was thinking this was what we did in fifth grade because we all knew Joshua would gag and shoot it out of his nose. What a cuck Joshua was