Jacuzzi Jeff

This could easily be a topic on Car Talk

Don't you dare knock my backpocket graph paper sketchbook. It's the perfect size, makes me look smart when I doodle at bars and damn if that leather ain't soft!

Between all of his soft and warm Wes Anderson narrator studio sessions he was beating some sense into the sound engineer.

While I agree with New York my time in the Phoenix area had DiFalco's on Scottsdale Rd up north and Pizzeria Bianco downtown (gladly named in this article). DiFalco's is a tiny crowded market that did New York better than Grimaldi's transplant that promoted their New York water treatment but didn't have the original's

I was wondering today if part of the reason for the NYC thing was they said they had separate bathrooms but I'd guess they slept in different rooms too which I doubt a modern president has done. It could also be to avoid early scrutiny on his wife and young son. Especially if she's pressed to do something and make

Not sure. Someone who goes a lot told me it was changed for good but that would be unfortunate and weird. I was there the day after Xmas and a bunch of people were upset that God's Disney would make a ride mixing Christ's bday with a pagan holiday. I thought that was funny considering without Tim Burton their beloved

A combo of Haunted Mansion (since changed to Nightmare Before Christmas FOR SHAME!), Mr Toad's Wild Ride and the weird but fascinating Oxford University ride showing all their early science breakthroughs. Add in animatronic Abraham Lincoln and this will be America's greatest attraction. Ends with pictures of everyone

Don't say that about the network who gave us The Spike Guy Choice Awards!!!

Magic School Bus Confessions

It's in Al Gore's lockbox. He put it there for safekeeping after Clinton went through impeachment. WHAT ELSE IS IN THAT BOX, AL!? You know there'd be some alt-right Trump conspiracy about that if he was running against Gore.

You gotta admit his smash "I Like My Beer Like My Violence (Domestic)" was truly the song of the summer for all of us.

Gotta crank out those puppets and jumpsuits

More of Gillian Jacobs chain smoking and shitting all over people having fun. I loved the show but it struck a chord because most people dated or chased after her character at some point in life to have them mock everything you enjoy. The show is funny yet hits close to home a lot with the character arcs of highs and

That made me laugh. Thank you

That reminds me of an Onion story I think titled "Man With Near Death Experience Followed By Full On Death Experience" about some guy saved from choking on a chicken bone then hit by a bus right outside. It made me think if I died after some stupid Guy Fieri type restaurant challenge right outside everyone in hell

Show her the Olsen Twins VHS where they make pizza and say this is what all American children eat.

For all of our monstrosities there is just some Asian stuff I can't do. I thought I was being adventurous ordering stinky tofu for delivery. It smelled like farts but my love of new things got me to take a bite. It was a spongy edible fart. I tossed it down the disposal but every time you poured water down the drain

I call it the black out drunk mistake you didn't have sex with…yet

As real as a Talking Cat

Clearly they haven't sampled the unholy frankenweiners offered at convenience stores around our great nation.