Jacuzzi Jeff

I tried the double down out of curiosity and couldn't finish it because how fattening it tasted. It was like eating a stick of butter gross. I did try the new chalupa and was able to finish it. It will be my last.

Failure pile on a sadness pie

I don't know, this might be more of a Guadalajara idea…

They build a monorail in Mexico City out of respect.

Taco bowls for everyone! That's how you show appreciation!

America's specified enemies bad dudes and hombres. It's as if Spicoli was our main security advisor.

Tigh had one of the greatest "What the hell is going on?" faces. Recent memory would be Colin Farrell in True Detective and Justin Theroux in The Leftovers as great confused wtf expressions. Tigh set a high standard.

One of my best friends ruins every plot of everything. I took the time to watch the whole thing while I was sick and with several episodes left we're talking and he says, "Too bad so-and-so and so-and-so are Cylons and it ends like this." I can't even make a solid opinion on the end of the series because I was just

They couldn't stop his sick fade away three pointers. No Congress can do that yet I read on a blog that Biden hustled him all along and stuffed the hell out of his last shot at the White House with a flick of his nose and a smile walking off the court.

I don't care who you are, when a belly laughing and huge smiling Richard Branson grabs you by the shoulder and says, "To my island!!!" you never say no.

Barack's gonna piss off Michelle when he puts that halfpipe in their house. Just the name Barack Obama sounds more believable than Xander Cage.

But do we want you to?
Enjoi skateboards had a series of decks that were all illustrations of 80s pop stars and quotes. I had the Prince "I would die 4 u" one with his shirt unbuttoned and a smirk. My parents thought I was trying to communicate something to them. I never had a cooler board since and can't even find it

If it's asking where the vending machines are, it's young Adama.

I will spend tonight with friends playing my favorite drinking game for sci-fi and political buffs: "Obama or Adama". You hear a vaguely poetic quote about troubles ahead or hope and humanity's strength and decide who said it. I'm waiting for a patent and anyone interested in playing besides three people I went to

So say we all

I got a family name followed down from two generations (sadly not Jacuzzi Jeff) and while it helped later in life for employers and professors to remember it was atrociously butchered by every teacher in school. Sadly, considering it is a historic American name it was wrecked by educators, even the history ones. I

It's the guns stop guns policy

His Dogme 95 creds are pretty impressive. Julien Donkey Boy was pretty incredible for its story and vision. He's super polarizing in how people who love movies see him and totally off putting to people who don't so I can't knock someone's distaste. I grew up in the South idolizing Dogme movies and guerilla filmmaking

When I left for college my parents moved, found and curiously watched my copy of Trash Humpers. I wish I could've seen their faces when they start yelling "Suck it, suck it, don't f*ck it! Make it, make it, don't fake it!" over and over. Maybe at Easter I'll leave a copy of Gummo for the cat whipping scene.

"To truly state Legend is your favorite album by Mister Marley is the reality of madness."