Jacuzzi Jeff

Even though they can be huge douchebags there's two reasons to love The Black Lips:
1. At a deep south bar show I went to when they weren't very popular the lead singer started the show saying, "Southern by birth, fag*ot by the grace of God," and started rocking out while a bunch of people stood there pissed and

He's the Race Bannon in the Donald-Steve relationship. You know he's running the show and Barron thinks he's his father.

That tends to happen when I'm not in a relationship. My Dreamcast told me once. It was the highlight of playing Seaman.

I lived in Arizona for a while and the most stereotypical bro type Native Americans I worked with drove around in dumb clothes and blasted hip hop or EDM in their Ford Raptor pick up after work like any other douchey white guy but because they were brown in AZ the cops pulled them over constantly for being Mexican.

I used to work at a comedy club he had a sizeable stake in and there was a gigantic poster of him holding that puppet with a signature. We had so many comics and employees complain about it that it was moved to an emergency entrance where some older comics would hire hookers and cooks would do drugs each time greeted

The torture and Guantanamo defense stuff is really troubling. Imagine if they round up all the dissidents from our internet activity and you find yourself handcuffed in a warehouse with a sunglassed man asking, "Have you ever visited a site called The AV Club?"

I just remember learning about all the "murders" in high school and j-school thinking how weird it must be to be Russian. All the dead journalist stories were, "They were handcuffed in the back of a patrol car and posed a huge threat so he was shot in the head," or "There was a robbery in her apartment so they kicked

He'll drag you down the stairs by your new hair in front of the kids if you don't side with him!

Kentucky is as worldly a place you can be. I've been to a cockfight in Baghdad, bought moonshine in Glasgow & London, and been to an illegal OTB in Cairo without having to be 18 or leave the Commonwealth. God bless the bluegrass.

Every chance I get at Home Depot I hold the lumber between my legs at any woman passing by and say, "Yeah, it's like this!" with a wink. It can get awkward like when I was with my sister, her husband and newborn offering to build a crib. That baby didn't react to any winks. Stuck up little shit.

I had a puffy orange Abercrombie & Fitch vest many moons ago. Then it was hip, now I'd look like a lost lumberjack.

I'm paid 25 clams an hour working on the docks for Admiral Shepherd. Barnacles shred the flesh but provide for my brood in hard labor. It's good work that strengthens the Crown. You too can serve King and Country on the docks! It sounds unbelievable but you won't forgive yourself if you don't check it

All religious feasts and Saturday nights. The rest are for hating the English, trying to apologize to the wife with grand gestures and arguing about sports. That about sums up my understanding of Scotland. Throw in some idolized hiking and fishing too even if no one wants to do it.

If only our Scottish immigrants earned a holiday that included nonstop fist fighting, knives, yelling and haggis made into hand held rolls. It would do my family proud.

I hate myself for thinking the MC 10:30 and McRussian don't sound bad when grabbing lunch on the fly. My last McDonald's experience was a hockey puck advertised as a burger more expensive than their usual fare. I really could've tossed it on the ice with no one the wiser and the mushrooms were like they came out of a

Eat the salad. Don't watch the satellite channel.

Just look them up or watch their channel. There's people working out with incredible physique explaining how they don't eat food anymore or going to their leader who tried to move a bunch of land to build a compound on government land in Florida to look out at the sea. It's a fascinating story supplemented by

There's a weird cult that has restaurants called The Loving Hut across the US. Their end goal is to live on air alone and play their propoganda on tvs all over inside, but damn if they don't have awesome vegan food and recipes. I've gotten lots of recipes from sketchy places.

He's got all the GameShark codes not in the guidebooks

Back to 4chan and Stormfront! They make take their alt-right forum but they'll never take MY flat earth theory forum. We're a group of love and science.