Jacuzzi Jeff

There was this really innocent do-gooder kid in middle school whose dad talked and dressed like Mr Rogers. His parents' room was next to where we'd stay up late playing Nintendo and they'd have the loudest, crazy sex until the early hours of the morning everytime. If we got loud the dad would come out in his robe and

I met him a few times working in a comedy club and damned if he isn't one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. He will make his set go two hours over schedule to answer every single fan and stay long after to talk to more people. I asked him about his run on Green Arrow and it became an hour long talk about our

It's missing You're The Worst or else I'd tell my job I had a rare illness and couldn't come in for a month.

If only you were Mrs Resistor and enjoyed a partner with student loan debt

best way to end a run

Barron Trump is blowing up on Minitel. That kid can do anything for his healthiest father in history

Any person on Vice not making terrible comedy or shows with weed names works for me. I really like Gaycation despite its name. It's up there with Weediquette as worst name for a show trying to educate that should exist for something on TruTV

Here in my arms…

I can watch hours of Rick Steve's and it would drive roommates and exes crazy. My old southern affiliate had a feature of concerts from a big beautiful cavern theatre called the Volcano Room in Tennessee it was quite a sight. Phoenix has a show featuring regular people at a dinner table discussing their favorite

I wanted to die everytime my bosses would tell us it was time of the year again but I also walked away with so many ridiculous and cool NPR joke shirts like a Got Milk type shirt for the classical station that said "Gottschalk?" With spilled milk making notes. Such a random shirt that got compliments. Also my softball

Give those funny roommate friends a show. Teaches male comradery and saving money by cohabiting with a friend before choosing a wife. Reminds me of those men about town The Odd Couple. Not the remake with that effeminate Thomas Lennon. I think he rubs a lot of folks the wrong way if you catch my drift

I loved PBS as a kid and it was back before crazy political attacks and parents just thought non violent learning and social interaction shows were better than commercials telling your kid what they needed to know was cool that week or they'd be a loser. In my teens I watched Rick Steve's and cooking travel shows and

This repeated push every election year always crushes me. My parents are conservatives and my mom thinks it's a fund sucking, socialist propoganda machine. My dad and I have listened to the indoctrinating machines of Car Talk, Wait Wait, A Prairie Home Companion and others on weekend drives for years. I grew up on a

One of favorite SNL sketches was The Sopranos where Stevie (Jimmy Fallon) plays his character in his E Street outfit and guitar and keeps talking back to back to Tony.

Being yelled at by a drunk French Canadian on your way home is not pleasant. Much less so when they drop their gloves

I got punched by a French Canadian for speaking English on Saint Jean Baptiste Day while at McGill so does that make us adversaries? We may not speak the same language but damned if we can't agree St-Viateur has the best bagels in Montreal. I love that little anthropomorphic waving bagel mascot.

Nearly all the EDM fans I've met couldn't tell you any people from Berlin, Manchester, French house, Italian disco or Detroit but they could name dozens of YouTube and mashup DJs. It's pretty depressing. I imagine the people who make it know but their fans don't care. Any kid with a guitar can tell you who Led

He's content having the greatest name in showbiz since Rock Hudson.

I'd imagine Camp Pence to be an extreme evangelical version of a Boy Scouts Jamboree. You go to the box like Cool Hand Luke if you break a commandment and go hungry if you forget one. Steve, who was special friends with Dave, well no one's heard from him in a coon's age.

The most racist rich people I grew up with went there for New Year's putting every second of it on social media with hastags about freedom and patriotism. Any image that comes into your head is exactly what it was. The biggest donor I know crippled a bicyclist driving his Mercedes blackout drunk out of his country