Jacuzzi Jeff

You can have my John Deere model full of jellybeans when you pry it from my warm butter soaked fingers

Nothing will ever convince me the N64 and Dreamcast controllers were of divine design. What other controller besides Dreamcast has games built into the controller before Wii U? It made Tomb Raider and football games so much more fun with the play making and maps.

This reminded me of my Scarface anniversary edition I got in middle school with alternate tv dialogue. "This town is one big chicken waiting to be plucked!"

Ya just can't be a patriot these days

Not many movies involving an American in Paris in recent decades doesn't involve nationalism and murder for hire as opposed to dancing and singing about love.

All the promos just look like The Umbrellas of Cherbourg but I'm ok with it as long as the crowd gets that too.

I spent a whole summer after buying a used one at Blockbuster building those courses to make ridiculous crashes with friends. The good old days where spending the night with friends meant taking your N64 cartridge and a 2 liter of Surge over to a friend's basement to overdose on sugar and crash courses.

I liked the game more on N64 when it was called Rush 2049

After. Nice guy. Does not care about the show other than making the faithful laugh. Too bad it was a Silicon Valley gig because they cut him off. He killed 200 out of 400 with walk outs so I think that's pretty great. I've only seen Eric Andre and Brody Stevens do it at the same club. Blow it and win it at the same

Well, from experience trying to handle an intoxicated TJ Miller at a comedy event, this could have been about how much Red Bull is in the green room or why you can't scream at the front row couple when you're over an hour late. He's hilarious but also a tall, belligerent force of nature who can clear half a 400 person

I had this on vinyl back around 2004 on a compilation called Video Game Breaks. Best of all it had a bunch of dialogue from GTA like the guy who just yells, "In the Navy!" and bits of Lazlo. Teenage boy's dream and I still play it

When does Sting get to repel with a bat from the ceiling of Congress while everyone pretends not to see him as music plays and the announcers yell, "OHHHH NOOOO!!!!"?

Great reference. Kudos

DC let me down not bringing back Apache Chief for its many TV shows

Not a real stand up guy

My faith died with Applebees endless appetizers. Burned my constitution and rosary. Nothing left to believe in except those delicious skinz

David Lynch over here

I lent my Spanish teacher an Almodovar film on DVD when he said he liked foreign films. I got in school suspension and a parent-teacher conference for distributing pornography. Good thing it wasn't The Skin I Live In.

I wonder how many people laughed at Phil Spector's eccentricities before he totally lost it. I love Kanye shows but I could see him losing it

But they can't afford the jewelry.