Jacuzzi Jeff

My sisters buy Ivanka's dresses and coats if that helps the narrative.

Its pretty bad

Trump supporters will claim "IT'S SABOTAGE!"

I counter your argument with NASCAR races, Gathering of the Juggalos and country music festivals. Not being judgmental but those are places where shame doesn't exist. Add big event WWE matches to that list.

I'm not feeling betrayed at all. Kanye is just reminding us he's Kanye.

I listened to Phil Spector Christmas songs this morning making a playlist and watched The Naked Gun on tv last night so there's that. I guess those were murderers but you get it.

I think he took his son to a mall maybe intentionally got separated and the dad hasn't returned home since. I think that was on the Gretchen on the couch episode.

I heard Tim Allen's "ughhh" when I read the end. I wonder who JTT voted for. Probably Bernie then wrote in "legalize it" as his vote because he was so chill.

It took me a while to realize my teenage arrogance had returned when I was annoyed at friends going to comic con dressed as a comic movie character when you think "You never read these as kids!" Like when your favorite band headlined Coachella or did a car commercial and say you never listened before they were cool!

He seems like the most delightful man when he gets excited on the radio some woman said she was just in a tiny Turkish village and Steves immediately knew exactly where she was and had lots of tips and anecdotes about old chess players he met there. The man is pure PBS and would never last on cable. He's a national

This just reminded me of how excited I am to see Die Hard at the movies this Christmas instead of going with the family to awful Its A Wonderful Life.

Lou Diamond Phillips or just LDP for me because I say his name a lot.

I dated someone like that who studied something so specific just to work in a high power family law office. Now in our late twenties she's just quit and decided to become a sommelier. I never saw her enjoy anything about wine ever. Its good to have money for random life options. Or hear all about a guy I know who

And Moby has a monopoly on New York. Its a ruthless industry of bald tyrants. They're like the comic villain Kingpin if he was an aging hipster.

Jon Glaser's Delocated had a really funny joke where he's explaining his life by what to expect in the coming season of his reality show and his girlfriend interrupts him to say "Stop referring to our life in terms of seasons!"

That could be the plot of a Mel Brooks movie.

I saw him a few years ago and there were a number of sickly thin youngsters swaying in oversized sweaters who knew every lyric. Good to know there's still a socially awkward go to soundtrack for sad loners. Figured it would have faded. Cute little bullied whirling dervishes they are.

CNN (where in depth reporting goes to die alongside Wolf Blitzer) has a front page story where Jerry Ferrara gave tips and insight to drivers from his experience as Turtle. Sometimes I check their site every few months and then remember why I stopped.

Anytime I hear post Smiths Morrissey and see peta posters I assume he works there. I think he works at half the organic tea shops and vintage record stores in the LA area.

I'm excited with the idea this leads to two new plots of Vernon losing his mind as a former macho bro getting constantly stuck with the kid and Paul's weak submissive character take on a charismatic ego trip. I wonder if they would bring back his last girlfriend or his new hobbies could be like krav maga or skydiving.