Jacuzzi Jeff

I can't remember where I heard the joke but it was "Jews buried fossils in the 20s to confuse us." I always say it to elderly relatives that give a look of "oh wow, I didn't know that!"

Remember when Court TV was that sly minx Ashley Banfield explaining actual legal terms before slowly turning into wacky top ten silly animal video shows and then TruTV. Jon Glaser loves Gear is increasingly amazing though for the new network.

I saw drone racing on ESPN. That's indistinguishable from Battlebots

Isn't that where Rick Steve's is based? God a good pbs station can't be beat. Work has made me live multiple places and each station can be great or miserable. I went to an interview at a terrible one and the station head literally read a novel looking like a tweed jacketed late career Orson Welles while I explained

I remember watching art films on Bravo and IFC before it was reality shows, Michael Bay movies and That 70s Show marathons. I spent my formative years enjoying samurai movies and MST3K on weekend mornings with Sundance and Sci-fi. How the world has betrayed us…

The Kardashian/Road Rules hydra model.

I've often heard them associated with Peking. CHINESE CONSPIRACY

I really hope he does a lot of expensive remodeling just to add it to his White House history in tackiness. Including removing that commie Michelle's garden because where our food comes from should only be seen while campaigning.

Darkwing and Launchpad McQuack

I briefly attended a non denominational Christian grade school in the burbs where the textbooks really bothered me at a young age in how weird science and space were explained differently from what I knew from Boy Scouts and library books. Same type of place that banned Harry Potter. I wish I still had them. Then I

We all know science was created by George Soros. My uncle forwarded me a Breitbart link about it.

I think last season of Comedy Bang Bang was in the low thousands and filmed over a long weekend.

Dynasty of ducks, send 'em to the moon…

I definitely had that moment with a girlfriend trying to find which most attractive kid shared our features to sort of fantasize about our kid we were thinking of having and the school security guard came by like we were there to abduct someone. This show is so funny how it captures those weird moments you never share

Paul, Vernon and the neighbor boy have the best writing probably because they have the least screen time so they get the golden bits. I loved everyone so absorbed with their own issues no one noticed how dirty and hungry the neighbor kid was.

Go back to crying about your uncle.

He and Kanye have the most amusing on stage rants about why they're late. Both artists I've heard saw an amazing sunset or were painting, both of them at two shows apiece., and said it in an angry way to justify it. Any grown man yelling about seeing a sunset wins my heart.

I am the expert on all things in this article

Could be better but any musical joke about political marketing strategies deserves a great amount of respect. You should send it to the Washington Monugents.

In the famous words of Fast & Furious, "Daddy's gotta go to work…"