Jacuzzi Jeff

Cubs fans always stick out for cargo shorts (for pocket beers) and even socks with sandals I've seen at Wrigley (it's October! But that's like late summer!) but some fans are worse. I saw a Sox fan deck a guy on a date for daring to wear a Yankees hat in Harvard Square. I also met a guy on a train who showed me all

I wasn't aware there was a remake. I was just throwing out my curiosity for a 21st century war vet version but truly it would only be a good homage or recreation if it was physical effects and camera work for the terror instead of hiring a bunch of overworked graphics artists or a warehouse of Koreans to give it the

Korean revenge movies still get me on the edge or jumping out of my seat. Sympathy For Lady Vendeance is one of the best looking and intense movies I've ever seen. Love me some Chan-Wook Park out for revenge.

The Thing and Jacob's Ladder always freaked me out because you couldn't even trust yourself. The Babadook was hilarious to me as a movie about the most annoying magician child ever imagined. I walked out of Girl On The Train tonight halfway through because it felt like another Gone Girl type "rich suburbanite gets

And here I thought it was only ingenuitive and bold when someone surprise screwed me in the racquetball court of the 4th Street Y. Apple sneaks up on ya like an anarchist at a parade!

Don't forget their memorable cameo in Empire Records

Their passive aggressive disagreements are so funny. Paul's tied shirt/shades combo looks like creeping madness, widowed billionaire wife looking for her next waiter to yell at in LA because something was too hot or cold.

Minutes in I realized this was the best episode so far tied with the Chinatown PTSD of the second Sunday Funday. If you made a whole show about Paul, Vernon and poor neighbor-boy Killian on adventures together it would be like 2 and a Half Men for people that never gave up on life and said no to rubbing alcohol at

Should have used the comment to point out how terrible this idea is

My big request when paying for companionship is the "Chestburster Special". If you don't know, don't ask. Always request they wear the Ripley exoskeleton too.

Do you think guys who talk shop over ratings are friends in life or secretly respond positively out loud when reading their comments late at night about changing time slots or how someone's contract killed a show?

Yet to hear any Japanese or Brazilian live recording that wasn't the best. I saw an American rocker in Beijing and everyone did a brief clap at the end of each song very politely. In Japan people went crazier than most American shows I've seen outside of my old post hardcore and metal stomping grounds as a kid. I saw

You know he loves some Skarsgård

I went to space camp and they had some spooky Soviet stories about women in space long before we thought some were there. But then again, spooky space camp stories about Soviet women.

And you did it all from home!!!

I already hear his overdone enunciation of "el-o-cu-tion" in my head

I used to be just a guitarist in Sweden earning 10 Krona an hour before I started burning churches and competing with my mentor over who could be more evil! I think he might kill me but now I've got my own label and record store! Only drawback is the burning churches and possible fratricide angle, but, y'know,

Or Cat Power's Metal Heart which like all early Chan Marshall songs is likely about suicide, incest and mental hospitals.

Leave it to Vice Films to try to make a Burzum movie as the Sion Sono introduction to American audiences. I recently saw Love Exposure for the second time in a movie theater and my friend was so pissed it was so goofy. I love that movie so much.any a girlfriend and roommate has endured its ridiculous running time with

His father's death notice was so much a part of his childhood where it was meant to be heartfelt but so crass at the same time.